Recent progress and big ideas on geologic sequestration US/international perspective Susan D. Hovorka Gulf Coast Carbon Center Jackson School of Geosciences The University of Texas at Austin
To reduce CO 2 emissions to air from point sources.. Carbon extracted from a coal or other fossil fuel… is currently burned and emitted to air CO 2 is shipped as supercritical fluid via pipeline to a selected, permitted injection site CO 2 injected at pressure into pore space at depths below and isolated (sequestered) from potable water. CO 2 stored in pore space over geologically significant time frames. What is geologic sequestration?
Geotechnical Progress - Permanence Field documentation of immiscible non- wetting phase residual saturation (Phase trapping). Increased confidence in long term trapping [Frio pilot] Continued uncertainty about the significance of dissolution of CO 2 into brine – volumetric of dissolution trapping Reduced expectation for mineral trapping in average sedimentary rocks
Capillary-Pressure Seal Trapping Mechanism Capture Land surface > 800 m Underground Sources of Drinking Water Injection Zone Seal = capillary or pressure barrier to flow CO 2 Seal limits CO 2 rise under buoyancy
Geotechnical Progress- Risk Risks of brine displacement resulting from large scale CO 2 injection recognized (Area of Review –AOR issue) [Nicot/Hovorka model results] Concerns about old well and long term well performance have not been resolved (Celia Princeton, LANL, BP) Risks to fresh water as a result of leakage of CO2 – role of reactive grain coats rather than bulk mineralogy identified (BEG/Kharaka USGS)
Injection well Observation well
Geotechnical Progress - Monitoring Increasing documentation of poor performance of soil gas methods for leakage monitoring (Weyburn, Otway, natural analogs; ZERT). Increasing interest in feasibility of groundwater monitoring for leakage (SACROC, Canfield) no results yet) Realistic (reduced) expectations for seismic monitoring New method– deep above-zone monitoring – Favorable initial result (Frio), larger-scale testing planned (Cranfield.
Atmosphere –Ultimate receptor but dynamic Biosphere –Assurance of no damage but dynamic Soil and Vadose Zone –Integrator but dynamic Aquifer and USDW –Integrator, slightly isolated from ecological effects Above injection monitoring zone –First indicator, monitor small signals, stable. In injection zone - plume –Oil-field type technologies. Will not identify small leaks In injection zone - outside plume –Assure lateral migration of CO 2 and brine is acceptable-far field pressure Aquifer and USDW Atmosphere Biosphere Vadose zone & soil Seal CO 2 plume Monitoring Zone Monitoring Zones
Technical input to policy issues Well leakage concern- needs resolution with respect to GHG reduction role for EOR - several tests are underway Area of Review – large footprint of high pressure area in brine around a large volume plume. Not applicable to EOR context. Mature monitoring plan is needed - hierarchical with trigger points.
Technical input to policy Recent policy concerned with feasibility of large scale (M tone/year), long term injection is not technically justified. Methods for increasing injectivity in low permeability rocks (long horizontals) are mature and have been deployed (In Salah). Focus should be shifted to documentation of (1) proof of adequacy of characterization (lateral connectivity of reservoir, quality of seal, sealing faults) and (2) correct prediction of maximum pressure and maximum plume extent.
GCCC Field Tests for Monitoring and Verification Technologies SECARB Phase II&II Cranfield Frio Test Site SACROC