GCVS Seminar: Public Sector Equality Duty July 2013
Economic environment and long term public spending pressures Welfare reform Demographic profile and increasing demand on public services Despite considerable progress, continuing inequality With implications…
Public service reform Focus on prevention Legislative change on equality - PSED Constitutional change
‘A nation that is fair and just, a nation that is fertile for ambition and talent. Where the deepest challenges are first acknowledged and then tackled head on’.: First Minister 2011 ‘Equal opportunity, solidarity and respect for human rights – these are essential to unlocking the full productive potential of nations and peoples’: General Ban Ki-moon 2011
And third sector has keyrole to play in its advance To people To communities To third sector To public sector To Government
Third Sector Equality Part of economic strategy Integral to public service reform Measures to strengthen and support sector Investment in enterprise and opening markets Infrastructure and funding Integral to priorities and NPF Legislation and policy Funding and support Capacity and infrastructure Mainstreaming – policy and budget PSED
What is it? Where did it come from? Why do we have it? How is it being approached in Scotland?
Contracts Service provision for communities Opportunity to influence Raises issues of how well organisations are reflecting the diversity of their communities or those they serve and how embedded are equality considerations
How is equality embedded and considered in organisations? How well established are the connections between equality organisations and more generic third sector bodies including TSIs and other infrastructure bodies? How are third sector organisations engaged with the CPPs and public authorities on equality - is there confidence and capacity to engage? Is there a sharing of information and understanding? Have some of the issues of mainstream and specialist provision been understood?
GCVS and its equality resources Third Sector Forum Equality organisations Just Enterprise ACOSVO – equality and third sector links CRER public sector equality duty portal Equality Evidence Finder CPP Guidance, EHRC guidance Equality, third sector and human rights in Scottish Government
It is about taking the opportunity to connect Seizing the opportunity to make a difference