Review about Up Down Boy. By Joshua D’Arcy
How did you like about Up Down Boy? Up Down Boy was amazing!. I really liked when Matty didn’t really want to go to college and his mum didn’t wanted any toys for him to take to college. Up Down Boy was a amazing play!.
Why do you think that Up Down Boy was a amazing play? Because I like when Matty and his mum went everywhere across the world from New Zealand all the way up to England and The U.S.A. Matty or Nathan has got Down’s Syndrome and he can’t get his clothes, can’t get in the shower his mum Sue has to do it for him.
How did you like Matty’s/Nathan’s mum. Matty/Nathan’s mum was called Sue but Nathan’s mum’s real name in real life is Heather and she is a good actress and she tell’s Matty/Nathan to take all of his clothes and his work to College.But Matty doesn’t want to. Sue/Heather is a brilliant actress to play Matty/Nathan’s mum in the play.
What did you think of the set and the music and the animation? I really liked the way when Matty/Nathan’s bedroom was set to make it look like when Matty/Nathan was going to college. And I really liked the music when Matty/Nathan was dancing after when he got changed and got out of the shower. The animation was amazing when it showed pictures of when Matty/Nathan and his mum went to Wales and when Matty/Nathan was a superhero.
How did you like the workshop of Up Down Boy? I really liked the workshop of Up Down Boy of when Matty/Nathan and Sue/Heather showed all the activities to make us enjoy ourselves and to watch the play Up Down Boy.