Johnson, J., Rahn, N., and Bricker, D., 2015 ECSE 672 Fall 2015 ACTIVITY-BASED APPROACH TO EARLY INTERVENTION
Activity –Based Approach An approach to early intervention that that is specifically designed to help children reach their individual goals within the context of daily activities and familiar routines. Attain functional skills Maximize opportunities for children to acquire individual goals. Integrate interventions into daily interactions Make explicit the use of the child’s daily transactions
The Linked System Framework The linked system is composed of five interrelated components: Screening Assessment Goal development Intervention Progress monitoring
The Linked System Framework Screening Definition – initial review of child’s development/behavior that might indicate delay Goal – to determine if a child requires a more thorough detailed assessment of their developmental-behavioral repertoire. Does the child’s performance on the screening measure fall significantly below established expectations for his or her age? Application – measures administered by professionals and those administered by parents or caregivers. Outcomes – confirm that there is a delay; identify the domain(s) in which the delay occurs; inform EI team of families observations, demographics, and specific information about the child’s performance.
The Linked System Framework Assessment – Definition – collecting information to determine a child’s eligibility for services and for development of appropriate goals and intervention content Goal – determine if the child meets state and federal criteria for services; collect information to develop appropriate, functional, and individualized developmental goals. Application – curriculum-based measures (CBM’s) such as Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS). Outcomes – eligibility determination and information to develop individualized goals and outcomes.
The Linked System Framework Goal Development Definition – goals are written statements that serve to describe an end point of developmental target for a child. Goal – to develop written statements for individual children that meet the five criteria for quality. Application – individualized developmental items from CBM. Outcomes – the development of two to four individualized goals
5 Quality Criteria for Goals Functional Teachable Generative Measurable Able to be addressed within daily activities
The Linked System Framework Intervention Definition – planning and execution of actions and events, including planned and incidental actions and responses by adults and peers. Covers specific individual goals and universal goals. Goal – assist children in meeting individualized goals and general curriculum goals. Application – authentic activities and events that can be used to embed training on targeted goals. (Ex: pincer grasp activities, vocabulary building). Outcomes – individualized intervention plan and intervention strategies for reaching goals; systematic presentation of activities.
The Linked System Framework Progress Monitoring Definition – cyclical process that involves the systematic comparison of the child’s current behavior with previous performance(s). Goal – collection of objective data to document and compare children’s performances of targeted goals and objectives over time. Application – weekly data collection that is focused on the acquisition and use of targeted goals. Global data on acquisition of general curriculum goals may be collected 3 or 4 times per year. Outcomes – collection of objective data and visual or written description of the data to allow for analysis of the child’s progress toward goals.
The Linked System Framework as a Theoretical Framework for ABI Screening Assessment Goal Development Intervention Progress Monitoring
ABI and the Linked System Framework Using ABI within a linked system framework permits Efficient use of personnel and resources Accountability in terms of documenting program impact over time Individualization to the specific needs of children and their families.