Commonwealth of Virginia TMDL Program Update Citizen for Water Quality Annual Summit September 22, 2001
What is a “TMDL”? TMDL = “Total Maximum Daily Load” TMDL = numeric goal AND clean-up plan TMDL = pollution budget ==> TMDL = site-specific, local tool for cleaning up polluted waters
Consent Decree Schedule Total TMDLs TMDLs – – – – – – – Shellfish –130 – 39 – 91
Current Status 20 TMDLs approved by EPA (19 bacteria, 1 nitrate) 34 TMDLs ongoing (17 bacteria, 15 biological, 2 PCB) – address 30 impaired segments by May 1, 2002 –
TMDL Data Needs All available watershed data will be considered Citizen data can provide much needed detail in defining polluted areas and identifying sources Examples: biological assessments, bacteria concentrations, TSS, pH, temp, nutrients,...
Staged TMDLs Stakeholders agree reductions needed TMDLs include staged reduction targets –first stage addresses reasonable measures –final stage results in attainment of WQ standards, may require change in WQS –uncertainty associated with implementation of final allocation
TMDL Implementation DEQ required to develop implementation plans as per the WQMIRA. Implementation plans not required under CWA or by EPA current regulations. TMDL implementation plans have been completed for 13 impaired water segments where TMDLs were approved.
Opportunities for Involvement in TMDL Process During monitoring activities: Include stream walks Note weather for previous 48 hours Note water quality impacts (e.g. bank erosion, feed lots, dumping) in vicinity of your station
Opportunities for Involvement in TMDL Process During TMDL Development: Get involved with WQS Attend public meetings Provide data and information Develop local solutions Talk to your neighbors Develop water quality initiatives
Opportunities for Involvement in TMDL Process During TMDL implementation: Support the staged development of the TMDLs Help with TMDL implementation plans and implementation Request local, state and federal support for clean-up plans and programs