CCSM PROGRAM PLAN an update to science plan and business plan based on the proposals put forward for CSL allocations a possible framework to allocate CCSM.


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Presentation transcript:

CCSM PROGRAM PLAN an update to science plan and business plan based on the proposals put forward for CSL allocations a possible framework to allocate CCSM SE resources

CCSM PROGRAM PLAN MODEL SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS 10 MAJOR EXPERIMENTS Including abrupt climate change, changing land cover, eddy-resolving ocean, transients in paleoclimate, carbon+ nitrogen cycle, arctic climate sensitivity etc. Major experiments are of interest to a number of WGs


CCSM PROGRAM PLAN COMMUNITY SUPPORT Support for the released code and “public”data Support by liaison scientists Support for the CCSM annual workshop Support for committees and working groups

CCSM PROGRAM PLAN CCSM HUMAN RESOURCE USE 60% in community support 40% in model development and scientific experiments.

CCSM PROGRAM PLAN SPECIFIC CSEG RESOURCE USE 50% in a more useful model 40% in community support 10% in a more complete model 0% in a more accurate model