Mike and Megan
1) Of the ten men in the new provisional government, formed following the abdication of Louis Philippe from the French throne, three were social republicans what were the other seven? A)Communists B)Social Democrats C)Political Republicans D)Bourgieousie
C) Political Republicans Represented people of Paris and the working class. Wanted to set up National Workshops and better conditions for workers like a 10-hour day.
2) Who was the leader of the social republicans and proposed a system of National Workshops during the provisional government set up in 1848? A)Louis Phillipe B)Louis Blanc C)Napoleon Bonaparte D)Lamartine
B)Louis Blanc Louis Blanc’s ideas were very much watered down in the application. He wanted a Ministry of Progress to organize a network of “social workshops,” the state-supported and collectivist manufacturing establishments that he had projected in his writings.
3) After the Bloody June Days, the assembly wanted the president elected immediately and had an election before the constitution itself was written. Who won the election? A)Lamartine B)Cavaignac, C)Ledru-Rollin D)Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
D)Louis Napolean Bonaparte Louis Napolean Bonaparte wins by a landslide because the royalists were divided and they hated socialism. He won over the radicals by reinstating universal male suffrage, which he helped to eliminate
4) The Austrian Empire in 1848 was…? A)A homogeneous country B)Very diverse with over a dozen different nationalities whose regions of influence often overlapped C)Comprised of Austrians and Magyars only D)Diverse, but the different nationalities rarely conflicted
B) Very diverse with over a dozen different nationalities whose regions of influence often overlapped In the Austrian Empire language often changed from village to village and even within towns themselves. The Balkan Peninsula was home to the most diversity and conflict.
5) Which of the following was not a Marxist idea? A)Alienation of Labor B)Personal Emancipation from trammels of society government and religion C)Wage labor and private ownership D)Public industry
C)Wage labor and private ownership Marx believed that the economic system of wage labor and private ownership and means of production kept workers from identifying with or benefitting from the products of their labor
6) Marx believed that the social revolution and the bourgeoisie and the proletariat would do all of the following except? A) Create a classless society B) State and religion disappear C) Dictatorship of the proletariat D) Bourgeoisie morals and law enacted
D)Bourgeoisie Morals and laws enacted Bourgeoisie law and morals were already in place and Marx hoped to change society into a classless society
7) The Frankfurt Assembly that met in May of 1848 was an assembly of what group of people French German Catholic Russian
B) German The Frankfurt Assembly was a German assembly that bypassed sovereignties and voters through out German states sent delegates to the assembly with the goal of creating a federated German super state.
8) The Frankfurt Assembly failed for all of the following reasons except… A) Germans from different regions failed to respect each others aspirations. B) The Declaration of the Rights of the German people was inhumane and a step back from the enlightened declarations of America and France C) Fredrick William IV, king of Prussia, turned down being king of all German people minus Austria D) The Assembly refused to use violence
B) The Declaration of the Rights of the German people was inhumane and a step back from the enlightened declarations of America and France The Declaration of the Rights of the German people was very humane and high-minded. It called for civil liberties and constitutional guarantees for German people everywhere.
9) Which of the following was not an economic reform engineered by Napoleon III? A) Discouraged large corporations and discouraged investment in them B) Increased railroad mileage in France C) Replaced wooden sailing ships with iron steamboats D) Made it legal for organized workers to go on strike, which had not been allowed since prior to the French Revolution
A) Discouraged large corporations and discouraged investment in them Napoleon III encouraged business and corporations and granted the right of limited liability which allowed for a stock holder to not lose more than the par value of a stock. As a result the French stock exchange boomed.
10) The following term meant “a politics of reality” and meant that people should give up utopian dreams and be content with an orderly, honest and hard-working government? A) Materialism B) Marxism C) Positivism D) Realpolitik
D) Realpolitik Bismarck became its most famous practitioner, meant that governments should not be guided by ideology and be guided by natural allies and natural enemies. Governments should meet facts and situations as they arise.