Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) The roots of innovation Proactive initiative on: Global Computing (GC) Proactive initiative on: Global Computing (GC) DBGlobe IST rd Meeting Athens, November 29, 2002 Dissemination
1.Web page 2.Joint Publications 3.Other Publications 4.Demos, software, etc 5. post to dbworld (?) Dissemination Activities DBGlobe 3rd Meeting Ioannina, Nov 29, 2002
softsys.cs.uoi.gr/dbglobe Web Page DBGlobe 3rd Meeting Ioannina, Nov 29, 2002 Deliverables Related work Add papers (contact you for that) Add software/demos (??) one page about your approach at your webpage -> link
Overview position paper Where to publish: Sigmod Record Joint Publications DBGlobe 3rd Meeting Ioannina, Nov 29, 2002
Working Title: DBGlobe: A Data Centric Approach to Global Computing 1. Introduction Motivation Contribution/novelty How it compares with related areas (p2p, streams, etc) 2. Overview Sigmod Record Paper Outline DBGlobe 3rd Meeting Ioannina, Nov 29, 2002
3. Metadata Device and service metadata Location metadata, etc 4. Querying 5. System Issues indexing (resource location) distribution (caching, replication) consistency (data delivery) Sigmod Record Paper Outline DBGlobe 3rd Meeting Ioannina, Nov 29, 2002
6. Prototype Implementation 7. Conclusions Sigmod Record Paper Outline DBGlobe 3rd Meeting Ioannina, Nov 29, 2002
Need this before the review 6 ACM-conference style pages When? Sigmod Record Paper Logistics DBGlobe 3rd Meeting Ioannina, Nov 29, 2002
Authors for more than one site (partner) – integrating work at different levels E.g., Context in DBGlobe or Mobility Management Index and AXML Index and Ontologies Plan? Any Ideas? Other Joint Publications DBGlobe 3rd Meeting Ioannina, Nov 29, 2002
Demos/Posters etc DBGlobe 3rd Meeting Ioannina, Nov 29, 2002 Plans? What?