Learning Objective: Analyse a television advert
Long Shot A shot in which a figure can be seen from head to toe
Now see if you can list all the products that were advertised. Use your 'Think Pair Share' sheets to write them on. Can you remember them all? Did you remember them all? Take a minute to think about the following:
Think… What did you like best? Why? What stood out the most? Why? What didn't you like? Why? Use your ‘Think Pair Share’ sheets to help you record your thoughts
I think that TV adverts are a waste of time. No one remembers them. I think that TV adverts encourage children to ask for more from their mums and dads. I think that TV adverts are good because they tell people about new products that might improve their lives. I think that TV adverts are fine, as long as they are not on all the time.