Lutz Lilje XFEL Coupler Some Comments. XFEL Coupler 2 19.12.2008 WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Status TTF III Coupler  has shown full ILC performance  has not.


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Presentation transcript:

Lutz Lilje XFEL Coupler Some Comments

XFEL Coupler WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Status TTF III Coupler  has shown full ILC performance  has not shown degradation  brazed waveguide part ?  Is the choice for XFEL and keeps  cavity port diameter 40 mm  tunability Ongoing  Industrialisation  See slides by S. Prat  FNAL 04/2008

XFEL Coupler WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Prototype design for motorized tuning Industrial design Example of systems engineering I

XFEL Coupler WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Design to minimize assembly time (original design: counter flanges + 14 screws Example of systems engineering II

XFEL Coupler WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Copper + stainless steel + brass: 13 parts brazed and soldered Al alloy: 1 single part - Prototypes: machined from single block - Mass production: casting Waveguide to coax interface part Example of systems engineering III

XFEL Coupler WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Clip board – copy and paste  keyword Result headline Result text, result text, result text Keyword 1.Keyword 2.Keyword Headline Texttext texttext texttext texttext texttext texttext Result headline result text Result Headline  result text Headline first level  second level  third level