Lutz Lilje XFEL Coupler Some Comments
XFEL Coupler WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Status TTF III Coupler has shown full ILC performance has not shown degradation brazed waveguide part ? Is the choice for XFEL and keeps cavity port diameter 40 mm tunability Ongoing Industrialisation See slides by S. Prat FNAL 04/2008
XFEL Coupler WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Prototype design for motorized tuning Industrial design Example of systems engineering I
XFEL Coupler WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Design to minimize assembly time (original design: counter flanges + 14 screws Example of systems engineering II
XFEL Coupler WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Copper + stainless steel + brass: 13 parts brazed and soldered Al alloy: 1 single part - Prototypes: machined from single block - Mass production: casting Waveguide to coax interface part Example of systems engineering III
XFEL Coupler WEBEX Lutz Lilje DESY Clip board – copy and paste keyword Result headline Result text, result text, result text Keyword 1.Keyword 2.Keyword Headline Texttext texttext texttext texttext texttext texttext Result headline result text Result Headline result text Headline first level second level third level