Ch. 17 sec. 3-4 The Reformation Chart
Martin Luther Wrote 95 Thesis against the Catholic Church selling Indulgences, and nailed them (Thesis) to a church door Began the Reformation
Friar Johann Tetzel Sold Indulgences to pay for the rebuilding of St. Peter’s Basillica (church) in Rome
Pope Leo X Issued a decree threatening Luther with excommunication
Lutherans Followers of Luther who separated from the Catholic Church
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Catholic Issued the Edict of Worms declaring Luther an outlaw, and went to war with Protestant Princes Created Peace of Augsburg
Protestants Christians who belong to non-Catholic Churches Originated from German Princes protesting other princes remaining loyal to the Pope.
King Henry VIII Got laws to end Pope’s power in England so he could divorce his wife Made King head of Church
Queen Elizabeth I Set the Anglican Church or Church of England, a mix of Protestant and Catholic
Huldrych Zwingli Religious reformer in Switzerland Wanted believers to have more control of Church
John Calvin Published book on Protestant theology Ideas of the “Elect” and “Predestination” – Basis of Calvinism Believed government should be a theocracy
John Knox Brought Calvinism to Scotland, with community churches governed by Presbyters
Presbyterians Followers of Knox’s version of Calvinism
Huguenots Followers of Calvin in France
Anabaptists Believe a person should be re-baptized when they are old enough to decide as adults Persecuted by both Catholics and Protestants
Ignatius of Loyola A Catholic reformer Part of the Catholic Reformation or Counter Reformation Loyola University in Chicago was called St. Ignatius College
Jesuits Catholics in the religious order of followers of Ignatius in the Society of Jesus Missionaries
Council of Trent