2 Using Accountability Systems to Improve Academic Performance
3 Nonprofit public education organization started in 1995 Website of Texas public student academic performance since 1998 Formal study and transfer of educational best practices since 2000 Currently expanding our information “model” to other states What is Just for the Kids?
4 Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion
5 Our model for success Inspire Improve Inform
6 All members of a public school community have something to gain from school accountability systems. When academic performance is measured: How can communities benefit? Teachers and principals have a clear picture of how they’re doing and how to improve. Policy makers see the impact of their education policies. Parents see where their child and school stand. State education agencies get a return on their state test investment. Superintendents and school boards can focus on higher standards.
7 How can businesses and other school partners benefit? Donors and foundations can gauge the impact of their time and money against actual academic performance. School/business partnerships can enhance their existing adopt- a-school model based on a common understanding of performance and how to improve. Businesses have a ready means to supply their expertise in best practices and the dynamics of change, to their school partners.
8 Understand what early learning contributes to later student success Understand what early learning contributes to later student success Demystify how student mobility is impacting a school’s performance Fairly compare middle and high schools based on how prepared students are coming in Fairly compare middle and high schools based on how prepared students are coming in Trace more precisely the effects of specific state policies Trace more precisely the effects of specific state policies Identify consistently high performing schools and pinpoint their effective practices Identify consistently high performing schools and pinpoint their effective practices Student-level data over time How is Just for the Kids’ data analysis different?
9 publishes both passing and proficiency results, providing parents a higher standard to match their child’s performance against.
10 offers every school a clear picture of their potential for improvement based on results in top performing schools with similar student populations from across the state.
11 makes readily available, all of the demographic and performance information for each school that was used to develop school comparisons.
12 gives local policy makers a view of a school’s performance by grade and subject allowing them to assess the effect of their programs over time.
13 also presents broader views for policy makers to follow relative progress of all schools within an entire district or county.
14 added views of middle school performance in Texas last year. Having multiple years of student level data allows school communities to see the impact of each year in learning on later academic success.
15 - Washington- Arkansas - Tennessee- New Jersey - Georgia- Ohio - Florida- Minnesota States currently working to install a Just for the Kids model: