Section meeting PH-DT-EM2 Agenda Short presentation (tour de table) General information news Future projects Discussion Coffee and cake PEREZ GOMEZ Francisco BEN ROMDHANE Mahdi BENDOTTI Jerome BODE Alain BRUNEL Bernard CHARRA Patrick DIXON Neil David GARNIER Francois Andre GIUDICI Pierre-Ange GONCALVES MARTINS DE OLIVEIRA Antonio LANCON Philippe NOEL Jerome FOLLEY Adrian
General information Work objectives for 2008 (MARS) Work objectives for 2008 (MARS) –A definition of tasks and objectives for the fall ~ August depending on new activities and status of LHC –Section meeting at the end of the year to evaluate the work 2008 and future plans 2009 Meetings Meetings –If news or on demand. Feedback? Collogue Collogue –Detector, experiments (NA62, AMS …) any question of general interest, presentation of a particular work in the section Suggestions? Suggestions? Vacation Vacation –Agree with project responsible Training Training –CATIA. The tendency is fewer designer at CERN and –Welding training – renewal of certificate –Other? –Please make request. Tooling and equipment after ATLAS installation Tooling and equipment after ATLAS installation –For the workshops is Luc and Francois –Other equipment Hans Questions Questions –Technical or other. There is a lot of expertise in the group! Don’t wait until MARS!
Design studies are activities of limited volume (in manpower and time) to assess the feasibility of an approach. They are expected to lead to a project at a later stage. Type Work Client Short Title Project / Activity Responsible Person WPValidity of WP EDMS # Approval Status StartEnd Design Study ATLAS ATLAS Tracker Upgrad e Design Studies + Prototyping for ATLAS Tracker Upgrade A. Catinacciona Design Study NA62 NA62 Straw Tracker Development and construction NA62 Straw Tracker H. Danielssonna not approved Design Study CLOUD Design study CLOUD A. Onnelana not approved Matrix structure with WP and project responsible.
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