1 st DT-PO section meeting Friday May 16th,14:00, in 155-R-047 Agenda Meeting people Structure and organization of DT Budgets Office Space Mandate of PO section (and future facilities as test lab, composite lab, metrology) - PM roles of the members Tour de table Organization of section meetings (frequency, workload reporting, status of various projects..) A. Catinaccio May 16 th 2008
Structures, roles and communication in DT Meets ~2x per year. Review of activities and resource attribution. Long term planning. Meets ~1-2x per month. Follow-up of projects, short- term resource and priority changes. However: Main structure of DT group are projects... Functions and tasks of GL, DGL, SL, ECP have been discussed. See document attached.
PH-DT-PO section Group Mandate The group’s activities are concentrated in four areas: Completion and consolidation of the ongoing LHC projects Maintenance and operation: piquet services, shutdown and preventive maintenance, repairs and infrastructure support New detector projects:, participation in new developments (LHC upgrade) Section “Project Office” The section is in charge of engineering designs, structural calculations and integration studies. Further activities are project planning, follow-up and quality assurance. It provides the expertise for material characterization, tests and prototyping. list:
CodeNew NameNew Responsibleadd. Signatures 32034DT Silicon FacilityM. Moll I. Mcgill, F. Cossey (DAI, STO 500) 33081DT Gas Rack Rentals + MFCA. Wasem 33100DT GroupF. Hahn 33160DT - PO SectionA. Catinaccio 33170DT Magnet M&OG. Maire F. Bergsma, N. Bourgeois, G. Olesen, X. Pons, R. Rey-Mernier, S. Ravat, L. Deront (all STO500) 33301DT - invoiced workF. Hahn 33302DT WorkshopsA. Onnela L. Kottelat, R. Dumps, F. Garnier, B. Cantin (STO 500) 33310DT Thin Film and GlassA. Braem C. David, M.v.Stenis, (DAI, STO 500) 33311DT ScintillatorsA. Folley 33320DT Gas M&OS. Haider A. D'Auria, P. Carrie, S. Pavis, L-P De Menezes, A. Wasem, F. Merlet (all STO500) 33330DT - TP SectionC. Joram 33331DT GIF + Irrad Fac.M. Glaser R. Fortin (DAI, STO 500) M. Moll (DAI STO 2k) 33340DT - DI SectionF. Hahn 33350DT - EM1 SectionD. Perini 33360DT - EM2 SectionH. Danielsson 33401FSU PH01 (Mechanics)F. Hahn 33402FSU PH02 (Cabling + Control)F. Hahn 33730DT / RD 51 / Gas DetectorsL. Ropelewski 34004R&D WP 4M. Moll 34005R&D WP 5C. Joram L. Ropelewski (DAI, STO 2k) 34007R&D WP 7M. Capeans 34740DT / RD 50 / Solid state detectorsM. Moll / 34745DT Hybrid Photon DetectorsC. Joram / 27531DESIGN SUPPORT 33015Gamma Irradiation Facility 33150DT1 - MM Section 33300Detector Technologies 2 Group 33351DT2 - CI Section 33352DT2 - EC Section Obsolete codes, no longer available Signature rights requests for urgent store ???
Space Electronic versions of (almost) all DT buildings exist. A number of removals are planned. Hans Danielsson 70-R-009 (done) Secretariat 166-R-010 Ferdi 166-R-008 Andrea Catinaccio 25-R-020 Hans Taureg B70 … Problem: persistent roof leak in B25. Repeated bricolage repairs, no cure. Quote for a real repair: 90 kCHF. Discussions with TS about budget. B166 - R Christian Joram Christian Joram Antti Onnela Antti Onnela Ferdi Hahn Ferdi Hahn Secretariat Luc Kottelat Jerome Luc Kottelat Jerome NN DECKEL CNC DECKEL CNC Wiring Machine Wiring Machine Ovens Secretariat
DT-PO location of offices
Project InfoWork Package Info projectTitleTypeDT Project leader Work Client Short Title Long Title or WP title Responsible Person WPValidity of WP * DDC = Detector Devlopment & ConstructionEDMS # Approval Status StartEnd 1 ALICE TPC Field Cage DDC *P. MartinengoALICETPC Field Cage TPC Field Cage Installation TPC, ITS TPC services, etc. W. Klempt / P. Martinengo ?approved Open ended (needs refining) 2ALICE HMPIDDDCP. Martinengo ALICEHMPID P. Martinengo ALICEHMPID Liquid Systems PH/DT1 ALICE Work Package P. Martinengo?approved expected mid ATLAS TRT / ITDDCA. CatinaccioATLASATLAS Tracker ATLAS TRT / Inner Tracker A. Catinacciona Summer ATLAS ALFADDCC. JoramATLASATLAS ALFA construction of scintillating fibre prototype P. Grafstrom C. Joram approved ? 5LHCb RICHDDCC. D'Ambrosio LHCbLHCb RICH LHCb RICH Optomechanics C. D'Ambrosio % complete LHCbLHCb RICH LHCb RICH Photodetectors T. Gys % complete 6LHCb MuonDDCB. SchmidtLHCbLHCb MuonAgreement TA % complete 7 LHCB Technical Support DDCB. SchmidtLHCbLHCb Tech Supp Installation, Infrastructure, Calo, VELO, 8CMS TrackerDDCA. OnnelaCMSCMS Tracker A. Onnela expected mid CMS ECAL EndcapDDCJ. BaechlerCMSCMS ECAL Endcap CMS Pre-showerDDCP. WertelaersCMSCMS Pre-shower PH/DT2 - PH/CMS Preshower Work package P. Werteleas M. Moll approved TOTEM RPDDCC. Joram TOTEMTOTEM RP TOTEM Roman Pot assembly A. Foussat approved expected 2009 TOTEMTOTEM RP Detector Installation Tool A. Foussat866627approved completed TOTEMTOTEM RP RP Detector (Part) +addendum C. Joram L. Ropelewski approved expected 2009 TOTEMTOTEM Motor Control TOTEM Roman Pot movement system Gilles Maire /A. Foussat approved expected TOTEM T1/T2DDC W. Klempt L. Ropelewski TOTEMTOTEM T1+T2 Installation + Integration in CMS W. Klemptna Summer 2008 TOTEMTOTEM RP RP Detector (Part) +addendum C. Joram L. Ropelewski approved expected 2009 Identified 21 projects (+ sub-projects)
Design studies are activities of limited volume (in manpower and time) to assess the feasibility of an approach. They are expected to lead to a project at a later stage. Type Work Client Short TitleProject / Activity Responsible Person WPValidity of WP EDMS # Approval Status StartEnd Design StudyATLAS ATLAS Tracker Upgrade Design Studies + Prototyping for ATLAS Tracker Upgrade A. Catinacciona Design StudyNA62 NA62 Straw Tracker Development and construction NA62 Straw Tracker H. Danielssonna not approved Design StudyCLOUD Design study CLOUDA. Onnelana not approved Services are open to all CERN users. Depending on the type of work and the financial regime of the service, the performed work is charged to the client (material only, material + industrial labour, all labour). IDServiceResponsible PersonSection S1Bond Lab.M. MollDI S2Irradiation TestsM. Moll / M GlaserDI S3Thin Film Glass LabA. BraehmDI S4Radiation MonitoringM. MollDI S5ScintillatorsA. FolleyDI S6Gas SupportS. HaiderDI S7B-field measurements and sensor calibrationF. BergsmaDI S8Magnet Support and RepairsD. PeriniEM1, EM2 S9Gluing techniquesD. FraissardDI S10Optics labD. PiedigrossiEM1 Services Design studies AEGIS project also starting now
Small activities either last only for a short period in time or are of low volume in manpower (<= 1 FTE p.a.). Work Client / ProjectDescriptionResponsible Person WPValidity of WP Work Provider EDMS # Approval Status StartEnd NA62NA48 M&OValeri Falaleevinternal work listna tbd.DT-EM2 CNGS Repair Power supply controlGilles Mairena Jun-08DT-DI CMSCMS Integration SupportRon Pintusnaapproved 2009DT-PO ATLAS Mechanical support for Muon ++ H. Danielssonnaapproved tbd.DT-EM2 ALICE Mechanical support for ALICE D. Perini, P. Martinengo naapproved tbd.DT-EM1 AX-PETAxial PET DemonstratorC. Joram PH Technology Transfer Advisory Panel approvedApr-08Mar-09DT X-HPD Spherical HPD with scintillating anode C. Joram Partnership agreement approvedJan-06 Scintillators Scintillator & photodetector studies C. D'Ambrosio na Small activities Type Work Client Short TitleProject / Activity Responsible Person WPValidity of WP EDMS # Approval Status StartEnd Small ActivityAMS AMS Field Mapping Felix Bergsma (?)na not approved ProjectTOTEM SLOW Control Gilles Mairena not approved ProjectNA62 SLOW Control Gilles Mairena not approved Small Activity ETH Zurich T2K MSS Instrumentation on Magnet + MSS N. Bourgoies Draft Summer 2008 Sept Projects under discussion
Jobs in PH/DT Jobfrom / toQualification TOTEM RP IntegrationMay - Dec 08 Assembly of Si sensors and integration to RP modules. Metrology / gluing.50%Precise and very careful lab technician. ATLAS ALFAMay - Dec 08 Test beam preparation / support Detector integration/assembly.50%Precise and very careful lab technician. CMS PreshowerMarch - Completion of detector mechanics. Assmbly / handling / gluing.100%Mechanical technician. Ideally with crane driver qualification. CMS Ecal endcapMarch - Completion of detector mechanics. Assmbly / handling.100%Mechanical technician. Versatile p/n Irradiation FacilityMarch - Operation and maintenance support of irradiation facility. Fabrication of jigs, assemblies, dosimetry, operation. 50%Mechanical / electromechanical technician. Versatile. Special knowledge will be acquired on the job. R&D WP 5March - Support of Gas Detector Lab. Assembly of detectors, mechanical assemblies, gluing, preparation of a test beam zone. 100%Mechanical technician, ideally with lab experience. Versatile. Special knowledge will be acquired on the job. Euclid data storage, and for some data conversion to CatiaApril - Checking of data conversion results, doing corrective actions, storing of data in Catia/SmarTeam in a structured fashion. Relevant for all recent DT projects done with Euclid, and in which the data needs to be later available. 50%Designer with Euclid and Catia skills. CAST technical support The main request to PH/DT1 is for two technicians/engineers one on the electrical and one on the mechanical who would establish a liaison with CAST and a continuity over the coming years so that they could advise me as TC concerning aspects of the experiment and supervise personnel from the FSU to make any interventions. Mechanical design I believe can continue to be supplied by the TS-MME team who has helped us. In addition, the support and maintenance of the magnet movement system (mechanics and controls) is essential. This was effectively designed and built within the DT groups in the past. Secondly, CAST needs support for the burgeoning Slow control and interlocks systems. These have been largely home-made by Applied Fellows in the past without a competent group to advise in the design and execution. Cold window manufacture (D Fraissard).June (6-8 weeks) B-field measurements2nd half Calibration of B-field sensors, assembly and testing, preparation of B-field mappers for experimental magnets. 50%Electro-mechanical technician, metrology. Special knowledge will be acquired on the job.
Next (normal) section meeting Which periodicity ? Proposal: every 3 weeks before coordination meeting to feedback on projects and needs. Which day of the week ? Time ? Typical agenda: - General news from the group - Status / keep track of projects - worload - Short round table - AOB
Other info
Scientific / technical meetings DT2 had in the last 3 years about 20 ‘Science-techno tea’ meetings. Typically 30 participants, even though time was not attractive: Fri, 16:00. Phys/Eng/Tech talked about their projects. We would like to continue this, keeping focus on group projects and technical subjects. Format may change a bit. Consider DT science-techno tea as complement to PH Detector seminar which will be re-activated this year. PH Detector seminar -Organizers: Ferdi, Ariella Cattai, Joachim, Hans Postema, Jorgen Christiansen - Aim for a monthly seminar, speakers from inside/outside CERN Forums -Topical workshops (1-2 days), e.g. cooling, powering…
DT Mechanical Workshops 3 mech. workshops B108 (serves as ATLAS pit workshop) B166 B16 Specialized workshops B3 (glass + ceramic machining) B155 (gas systems) B20 (R. Dumps) P1 (ALICE pit) B187 scintillator workshop All workshops are maintained (at least for the time being)! B108 and B16 have been recently visited ( summary, action list Antti). - B16 general state not satisfactory (cleanliness, tidiness). - too much surface is used as uncontrolled storage area. - lab space of D. Fraissard should be renovated for future projects - last week: renovation of floor of 153-R-030 for CMS preshower project. 8.5 kCHF. Safety Management System (SMS) is being implemented, using Mech. Workshops as test cases. Antti.
Carry forward of leave The CFO (S. Lettow) agreed to the request to carry forward up to 30 days from 2008 to 2009 It is not a program; it will not be advertised It can be used by the GLs for LHC activities only The request has to be approved by the DH The 30 days must be taken in 2009 or rd report from Beam Facilities Safety Panel (RPA, RPE, zoning) Please contact me if you need details… General news (from TL/TC meeting, 2 April, next meeting 14 May)