© Copyright 2010, Robert J. Lackie, Rider University Adding to Librarians’ & Teachers’ Repertoire: Collaborative & Communication Tools July 6, 2010 Update: 10 AM to Noon
Goals for This Session What is a “collaborative tool”? What are some of these popular technologies/tools that I can use, professionally and/or personally? How can I begin using them—today?
Interactive Web and its Benefits Personalized content Portable Many-to-many or few-to-few communication Conversation/Community Participatory, not passive Networking opportunities galore
Participatory, not passive The keys for what collaboration is all about: Bridging – Time – Distance – Resources
Participatory, not passive Building and Sharing tools –Information networks –Products: blogs, wikis, mashups, lesson plans, book lists, schedules, presentations… –Responses –Idea bursts (or slow slogs)
What do I mean by a “Collaborative Tool”? Any free or fee-based online tool that easily facilitates communication (synchronous or not) and interaction between one or more people on any type of shared resource. Many examples are available now—many, free!
Collaborative Web 2.0 Tools & Technologies: Why Use Them? Easy blogs/pseudo-blogs Simple start wikis No hassle social/sharing sites Why use them? Strong communication capabilities, easy-to-understand interfaces & guides, ability to encourage participation & collaboration in building & sharing sites, pictures, conversations, files, etc.—and free!
Blog vs. Wiki Encourage communication Belongs to one person or a small group, and each person signs his/her post Entries organized in reverse chronological order Posts seldom edited Great for info dissemination Watch this short “Blogs in Plain English” videovideo Encourage communication No one person owns content as anyone may add or subtract info on the site No predetermined structure; organized by links created Constant work in progress Great for collaborative work Watch this short “Wikis in Plain English” videovideo
Lots of Choices: Blog Software WordPress (hosted & not): wordpress.com/ and wordpress.org/ wordpress.com/wordpress.org/ Blogger (hosted): blogger.com/blogger.com/ Drupal: drupal.org/drupal.org/
Don’t Take My Word for IT: Compare Blogs with WeblogMatrix
Build Your Own Wiki: Good Choices for Free Wiki Software PBworks for Classrooms (hosted): Wikispaces for Educators (hosted): MediaWiki:
Don’t Take My Word for IT2: Compare Wikis with WikiMatrix
Ambient & Voice Communication SMS or Text Messaging via mobile tech Twitter or not: Tweet Scan Instant Messaging (IM): Meebo VoIP: Skype or YackPack
Audio In Real-time Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP Connects phone line through your computer Multiple simultaneous connections Skype is still popular today
Audio When/Where You Want Live audio conferencing; recording capability Embed audio files in webpages or “use it now” “Voice Click” availability YackPack (and their WalkieTalkie Widget, Yackplayer, and Tag) is a free favorite
Keeping Up in the Classroom: froom! CommonCraft: 7 Things You…: Horizon Report: 2010 K-12 Edition:
Common Craft…in Plain English
7 Things You Should Know About…
Horizon Report: 2010 K-12 Edition
Start Collecting and/or Sharing! Delicious: Filamentality: FriendFeed:
Some Other Ways to Collect, Share, and Communicate, Sometimes in Real Time: Doodle: doodle.ch/main.html (scheduling)doodle.ch/main.html Google Docs AND Gtalk: google.com (doc construction/real time voice chat)google.com LibraryThing: librarything.com (sharing books)librarything.com SlideShare: slideshare.net (sharing PPTs)slideshare.net ProgramableWeb: programableweb.com (mashups)programableweb.com Senduit: senduit.com (for sharing files)senduit.com
So, to recap: if YOU NEED… Some place to write a proposal together before Thursday morning. Some how to show the others what your group did – before the meeting. Some decision on what to eat/where to meet. Someone to talk to. Something free. Something so easy, you already can use it…
TRY going to tools we discussed already, and here are more on… For where to go: wikitravel.com For (cheap or otherwise) gas: gasbuddy.com For “Say what?” moments: urbandictionary.com For dinner: opensourcefood.com For family: geni.com For mapping concepts: cmap.ihmc.us/ For the latest Web buzz: popurls.com/
© Copyright 2010, Robert J. Lackie, Rider University popurls: for latest web buzz (my homepage)
© Copyright 2010, Robert J. Lackie, Rider University PowerPoint Presentation Slides: web2/repertoireCJRLC2010.ppt THE END