Y10 and Y11 Parent Forum
Present Year 10 Students In Year 9 students will have covered the majority of the material for the Core Science GCSE. In Year 10 classes 10.1 to 10.4 began to study the material needed for the Additional Science GCSE. These classes will take an examination on Friday November 20 th to determine their final pathway. A firm B grade will be required to remain on the triple path. Classes 10.5 and 10.6 have started re-visiting Core Science. Classes 10.7 and 10.8 will have started the Applications of Science BTEC.
In the summer examinations the triple pathway students will complete both the Core Science and the Additional Science GCSEs. The double pathway students will only complete the Core Science GCSE. Present Year 10 Students
Y10 Examination Dates Core Science Examinations B1 (17 th May), C1 (19 th May), P1 (25 th May) Each worth 25% - ISA worth 25% Additional Science Examinations B2 (10 th June), C2 (15 th June), P2 (17 th June) Each worth 25% - ISA worth 25% BTEC Applications of Science Unit 6 (20 th May and Nov (date to be confirmed)) Worth 25% - Coursework worth 75%
Y11 Examinations for Y10 Students The triple pathway students will study the Further Additional Science GCSE course taking the B3, C3 and P3 examinations in the summer of The double pathway students will take the Additional Science examination in the summer of Present classes 10.7 and 10.8 will complete Applications of Science BTEC and iGCSE Science Double Award. Students taking Human Health and Physiology will take their examination.
Present Y11 Students In Y10 most students will have completed their Core Science GCSE. Students in classes 11.1x and 11.1y will also have completed their Additional Science GCSE. This year the classes 11.1x and 11.1y will take their Further Additional Science GCSE in summer Classes 11.2x to 11.3y will take Additional Science. BTEC students in 11.7 and 11.8 will take Applications of Science and, if beneficial, take the iGCSE Double Award Science qualification.
Y11 Examination Dates Additional Science Examinations B2 (10 th June), C2 (15 th June), P2 (17 th June) Each worth 25% - ISA worth 25% Further Additional Science Examinations B3 (10 th June), C3 (15 th June), P3 (17 th June) Each worth 25% - ISA worth 25% BTEC Science Examinations Applications of Science Unit 8 (4 th Nov, 2 nd March, 20 th May) Each worth 25% - Coursework worth 75%
Human Health and Physiology students will have their written examination on June 28 th Astronomy students will have their examination on May 20 th. Y11 Provisional Examination Dates
What can you do to help? 1.All students have given the opportunity to buy revision guides appropriate for their course in either Y9 or Y10. (If you do not have them please leave your name with me after the forum and I will add them to the current order). 2.Encourage students to any attend revision sessions. 3.All students have been given access to Kerboodle, a on-line resource, for free. 4.Ensure students prepare thoroughly for ISAs which are worth 25% for each GCSE.
4.Make sure that students have an understanding of the command words for questions. 5.Encourage students to revise effectively using a variety of techniques e.g. mind mapping, mnemonics or any other technique that involves active learning. 6.If possible, make a place available at home specifically for revision purposes. What can you do to help?
Mind Mapping Mind Mapping is a useful technique that helps you learn more effectively and improves the way that you record information. By using Mind Maps, you can quickly identify and understand the structure of a subject. It allows students to see the way that pieces of information fit together, as well as recording the raw facts contained in normal notes.
Mind Mapping Examples