doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission January January 2016 WG Motions Date: Authors: Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 1
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission January 2016 Abstract This document is a composite of all sub-group motions that are brought to the January WG plenary meetings. Revisions –R0: at conclusion of Wednesday WG11 plenary –R1: containing motions for Friday WG11 plenary –R2: at conclusion of Friday WG11 plenary Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 2
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission WEDNESDAY January 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 3
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission Straw Poll: What is the preferred Style of IMT-2020 Participation directly participates (through IEEE-SA sector membership) in the IMT-2020 process actively supports an 802 EC standing committee that is participating in the IMT-2020 process provides requested information to an 802 EC standing committee that is participating in the IMT-2020 process should not participate in the IMT-2020 process 5.Need more information Straw Poll: Which level of participation do you prefer? 1) 15 2) 48 3) 29 4) 21 5) 43 Slide 4Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission FRIDAY January 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 5
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission January 2016 GroupDate(s)StartDuration CACMon Feb 8, Feb 2912:00 ET1 hr REG SCWeekly Thurs Jan 28 to Mar 3112:30 ET1 hr ARCWith 10 day notice TGahWeekly Tues Mar 22 to July 1920:00 ET2.5 hrs TGaiTues Feb 9 through May 3110:00 ET1.5 hr TGakThurs Feb 1, 8, 22, 2910:00 ET1.5 hrs TGmcFri Feb 5, 1910:00 ET2 hrs TGaqFeb 5, 12,19, 26, Mar 4Noon1 hr TGax Thurs Feb 4, Mar 3 Thurs Feb 18 10:00 ET 20:00 ET 2 hrs TGayTues Feb 1610:00 ET1 hr TGazTues Feb 210:00 ET1 hrs LRLPFeb 17, Feb 1811:00 ET1 hr Dorothy Stanley (HPE) Motion to approve: Moved: Richard Kennedy, Seconded: Tim Godfrey Result: Unanimous Teleconferences Slide 6
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission TGak Recirculation WG Letter Ballot Motion: Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB212 on P802.11ak Draft_D1.0 as contained in document 11-15/0556r19, –Instruct the editor to prepare Draft D2.0 incorporating these resolutions and, –Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should TGak Draft_D2.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved by Donald Eastlake on behalf of TGak Result: Motion Passes TG vote: Moved: Michael Fischer, Seconded: Ganesh Venkatesan, Result: Slide 7Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission Initial Main Motion: IEEE 802 liaison to ITU-R WP5D on IMT-2020 interest Motion: –Based on interest expressed during the IEEE WNG meeting on 19 January 2016 in the IMT-2020 activity, IEEE WG recommends to IEEE 802 EC that a liaison be sent to ITU-R WP5D indicating that IEEE 802 is interested in participating in the IMT-2020 process. –Moved: Andrew Myles –Seconded: Joseph Levy –Result: see amended main motion on slide 10 Slide 8Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission Motion to amend: IEEE 802 liaison to ITU-R WP5D on IMT-2020 interest Motion: –Based on interest expressed during the IEEE WNG meeting on 19 January 2016 in the IMT-2020 activity, IEEE WG recommends to IEEE 802 EC that a liaison be sent to ITU-R WP5D indicating that IEEE is considering interested in participation ing in the IMT-2020 process. –Moved: George Calcev –Seconded: Majid Ghanbarinejad –Result: Motion Passes Slide 9Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission Amended Main Motion: IEEE 802 liaison to ITU-R WP5D on IMT-2020 interest Motion: –Based on interest expressed during the IEEE WNG meeting on 19 January 2016 in the IMT-2020 activity, IEEE WG recommends to IEEE 802 EC that a liaison be sent to ITU-R WP5D indicating that IEEE is considering participation in the IMT-2020 process. –Moved: Andrew Myles –Seconded: Joseph Levy –Result: Motion passes Slide 10Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission Straw Poll: Possible Benefits to from IMT-2020 Participation 1.Access to additional spectrum allocated for 5G use Particularly in countries that focus on ITU-R allocations Note 5G spectrum is anticipated to be both Licenced and Un-Licensed Straw Poll: Is obtaining access to 5G spectrum important to ? 1.Critically important 26 2.Nice to have 2 3.Not important 0 4.Abstain 13 2.Better insight into what is required for 5G, which may impact our work on IEEE ax, ah and other existing/new work Including IoT, wireless broadband and “mission Critical” Straw Poll: Is understanding 5G important to ? 1.Critically important 26 2.Nice to have 2 3.Not important 4 4.Abstain 8 Slide 11Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission Straw Poll: Possible Benefits to of IMT-2020 Participation (cont.) 3.Ensuring that the 5G requirements reflect realistic use cases based on the industry knowledge and market experiences. Straw Poll: Is ensuring realistic 5G requirements important to ? 1.Critically important 10 2.Nice to have 11 3.Not important 7 4.Abstain 10 4.Ensure performance is not evaluated by requirements set by “others” that do not allow for fair comparison between and other technologies. e.g. LAA, LTE-U, MuLTEfire Straw Poll: Is it important to ensure a fair set of requirements? 1.Critically important 15 2.Nice to have 1 3.Not important 7 4.Abstain 16 Slide 12Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission Straw Poll: Possible Benefits to of IMT-2020 Participation (cont.) 5.Inclusion of in the world-wide 5G marketing hype All publicity is good publicity Straw Poll: Is just being a 5G Technology is important? 1.Critically important 7 2.Nice to have 5 3.Not important 9 4.Abstain 13 6.IMT-2020 will provide alternative technologies to key use cases/markets – Inclusion of as IMT-2020 technology ensures is on a level field for these use cases/markets. Hot Spot, IoT, Indoor deployments, … Straw Poll: Is ensuring an amendment is an IMT-2020 technology that can be fairly compared with other IMT-2020 technologies important? 1.Critically important 4 2.Nice to have 9 3.Not important 4 4.Abstain 17 Slide 13Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission Do you approve of the leadership summit –Yes 32 –No 0 –Abstain 2 WFA Leadership Summit Straw poll 1 January 2016 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 14
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission Is advance working group review of the tentative agenda for the leadership summit needed? –Yes 27 –No 4 –Abstain 8 WFA Leadership Summit Straw poll 2 January 2016 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 15
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission FRIDAY – EC MOTIONS PLENARY ONLY January 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 16
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission EC items January 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 17
doc.: IEEE /1528r2 Submission References January 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 18