doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission January January 2016 WG Motions Date: Authors: Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 1
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission January 2016 Abstract This document is a composite of all sub-group motions that are brought to the January WG plenary meetings. Revisions –R0: at conclusion of Wednesday WG11 plenary –R1: containing motions for Friday WG11 plenary –R2: at conclusion of Friday WG11 plenary Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 2
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission WEDNESDAY January 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 3
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission Straw Poll: What is the preferred Style of IMT-2020 Participation directly participates (through IEEE-SA sector membership) in the IMT-2020 process actively supports an 802 EC standing committee that is participating in the IMT-2020 process provides requested information to an 802 EC standing committee that is participating in the IMT-2020 process should not participate in the IMT-2020 process 5.Need more information Straw Poll: Which level of participation do you prefer? 1) 15 2) 48 3) 29 4) 21 5) 43 Slide 4Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission FRIDAY January 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 5
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission January 2016 GroupDate(s)StartDuration CACMon Feb 8, Feb 2912:00 ET1 hr REG SCWeekly Thurs Jan 28 to Mar 3112:30 ET1 hr ARCWith 10 day notice TGahWeekly Tues Mar 22 to July 1920:00 ET2.5 hrs TGaiTues Feb 9 through May 3110:00 ET1.5 hr TGakThurs Feb 1, 8, 22, 2910:00 ET1.5 hrs TGmcFri Feb 5, 1910:00 ET2 hrs TGaqFeb 5, 12,19, 26, Mar 4Noon1 hr TGax Thurs Feb 4, Mar 3 Thurs Feb 18 10:00 ET 20:00 ET 2 hrs TGayTues Feb 1610:00 ET1 hr TGazTues Feb 210:00 ET1 hrs LRLPFeb 17, Feb 1811:00 ET1 hr Dorothy Stanley (HPE) Motion to approve: Moved:, Seconded: Result: Teleconferences Slide 6
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission TGak Recirculation WG Letter Ballot Motion: Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB212 on P802.11ak Draft_D1.0 as contained in document 11-15/0556r19, –Instruct the editor to prepare Draft D2.0 incorporating these resolutions and, –Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should TGak Draft_D2.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved by Donald Eastlake on behalf of TGak Result: TG vote: Moved: Michael Fischer, Seconded: Ganesh Venkatesan, Result: Slide 7Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission IEEE 802 liaison to ITU-R WP5D on IMT-2020 interest Motion: –Based on interest expressed during the IEEE WNG meeting on 19 January 2016 in the IMT-2020 activity, IEEE WG recommends to IEEE 802 EC that a liaison be sent to ITU-R WP5D indicating that IEEE 802 is interested in participating in the IMT-2020 process. –Moved: Andrew Myles –Seconded: Joseph Levy –Result: Slide 8Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission Straw Poll: Possible Benefits to from IMT-2020 Participation 1.Access to additional spectrum allocated for 5G use Particularly in countries that focus on ITU-R allocations Note 5G spectrum is anticipated to be both Licenced and Un-Licensed Straw Poll: Is obtaining access to 5G spectrum important to ? 1.Critically important 2.Nice to have 3.Not important 2.Better insight into what is required for 5G, which may impact our work on IEEE ax, ah and other existing/new work Including IoT, wireless broadband and “mission Critical” Straw Poll: Is understanding 5G important to ? 1.Critically important 2.Nice to have 3.Not important Slide 9Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission Straw Poll: Possible Benefits to of IMT-2020 Participation (cont.) 3.Ensuring that the 5G requirements reflect realistic use cases based on the industry knowledge and market experiences. Straw Poll: Is ensuring realistic 5G requirements important to ? 1.Critically important 2.Nice to have 3.Not important 4.Ensure performance is not evaluated by requirements set by “others” that do not allow for fair comparison between and other technologies. e.g. LAA, LTE-U, MuLTEfire Straw Poll: Is it important to insure a fair requirements? 1.Critically important 2.Nice to have 3.Not important Slide 10Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission Straw Poll: Possible Benefits to of IMT-2020 Participation (cont.) 5.Inclusion of in the world-wide 5G marketing hype All publicity is good publicity Straw Poll: Is just being a 5G Technology is important? 1.Critically important 2.Nice to have 3.Not important 6.IMT-2020 will provide alternative technologies to key use cases/markets – Inclusion of as IMT-2020 technology ensures is on a level field for these use cases/markets. Hot Spot, IoT, Indoor deployments, … Straw Poll: Is ensuring is an IMT-2020 technology that can be fairly compared with other IMT-2020 technologies important? 1.Critically important 2.Nice to have 3.Not important Slide 11Dorothy Stanley (HPE) January 2016
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission Do you approve of the leadership summit –Yes –No –Abstain Straw poll January 2016 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 12
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission Is advance working group review of the tentative agenda for the leadership summit needed? –Yes –No –Abstain Straw poll January 2016 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 13
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission FRIDAY – EC MOTIONS PLENARY ONLY January 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 14
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission EC items January 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 15
doc.: IEEE /1528r1 Submission References January 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HPE)Slide 16