1 Software Meeting Akiya Miyamoto KEK 17 May 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Software Meeting Akiya Miyamoto KEK 17 May 2006

2 Sample files /proj/soft/Release/1.25 prepared  Include new CLX, IT/FCAL geometry revised, G4Navigaator problem fixed Data production since May 12. Summary is at  Using may06 geometry, Release 1.25 & CLX

3 May06 files as of 17 May Single  G: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 GeV 1k each  k0L: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 GeV 1k each  10 GeV, 1k sample: e-, e+, mu-, mu+, pi0, kaon0S jet sample (No ISR)  Uds ev, uds350 (3500  10k), uds500(2250  5k) Uds ev  Cc91 500ev, cc ev, cc ev  Bb91 500ev, bb ev, bb ev Physics process  Zh2mmh350, zh2nnh350, zh2qqh ev each After ~5 days production

4 Single Particle Performance -  mar06b EM Const= may06 EM Const= For  in |cos  |<0.8, need angle dependant correction for may06

5 Single Particle Performance – k0L mar06b Using “Total energy” Not kinetic energy HD const= may06

6 Cheated PFA: may06 – uds91 May06 uds91 mar06b uds91 dec05 uds91

7 Cheated PFA:mar06b vs dec05 mar06b uds350 uds500 Dec05 uds350 uds500

8 Muon Problem:mar06b sample For E_kinetic=5 GeV mu- tracks ? : S4HYBTrack Effects negligible for high momentum track

9 Muon Problem – cont. -Kappa vs cos  : Reconstructed kappa is biased

10 Next step Check by Realistic PFA  Change CLX segmentation/S4CALAddress Angle dependant CAL calibration Resolve Muon delta-kappa problem  ZH  mu mu H by Jupiter See ZH channel Stau process/ background veto by FCAL/BCAL Data production in coming week  Continue with current configuration until CLX is revised  Increase energy points of single particle events  Pi0, k0S, e+, e- : for mu+-, wait for a moment  Bb91, cc91 aim to 5k events  ZH events with a standard BS spectrum  Data for FCAL/BCAL, stau study (veto)