Oh no!!!
Let’s have a look at some books… How do we teach Maths at Burton? 4 number operations
add plus more than increase total sum altogether double How many more? and
Basic Counting Mental Recall of Number Bonds … This is REALLY IMPORTANT!!!
Doubles and near doubles = 12, = 13, = = 70, = 71 etc Multiples of 10 and multiples of 5 which add up to 100… , etc Number bonds to 10 eg, = 10, 9+ 1 = 10…. Addition facts for numbers up to =6; 5+1=6; 4+2=6… Numbers bonds to 20 19+1; 18+2; All addition facts to 11, 12, 13 …20
= ? Writing operations and solving problems using ‘informal methods’ Firstly, encourage mental strategies (starting with the higher number, counting on, looking for pairs which make 10, verbal discussion about the method used to get an answer, checking!)
Double 8 =16 7 and 3 are bonds to 10 Total is = 26 Use knowledge of place value and adding on 10 to a number Find the total
Simple, informal jottings… use of a number line = ? X If another way has been used, encourage discussion about the method and talk about how effective it is.
The importance of understanding PLACE VALUE
25 2 Tens and 5 Units PLACE VALUE – Tens and Units… What is the value of each underlined digit in the following numbers? Hundreds, 9 Tens and 3 Units Can you add single units to any number? Can you add multiples of 10 to any number Can you add multiples of 100 to any number?
What would 10 more than this number be? What about 1 more? 10 less? Explain how you know. What numbers are covered? How do you know?
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Being able to split a number into Hundreds, Tens and Units is VERY IMPORTANT! This is called ‘partitioning’ 28 2 tens and 8 units 28 = 4 tens and 9 units 49 = 616 902
Different ways of adding up – mentally and with jottings…
Using a ‘mental’ or empty numberline = = 47 + (20 + 4) = X
And more difficult… = = 74 + (30 + 8) = 74 X
A different strategy… = Add the tens together and then add the units together ( ) + (6 + 2) = = 68
Larger numbers – crossing the hundreds boundary… = Add the tens together and then add the units together ( ) + (7 + 6) = = 173
Vertical Layouts – Formal Written Methods (Year 4 ish)
First steps (using partitioning) = ? =
The ‘Expanded’ method
The Compact Method – ‘Carrying’
subtract take away decrease leave How much less is..? reduce difference between How many fewer is…..than….? minus
Multiples of 10 up to 100… , 100 – 20 = 80 etc Number bonds up to 10 Eg, = 3, = 4… = 10, = 8 Numbers bonds up to 20 All bonds to 11, 12, 13 …20 It is important that children move away from the language of ‘take away’ in Key Stage 2 and move towards ‘subtraction’.
Simple, informal jottings… use of a number line = ? At Key Stage 1, children will count back on the numberline to find the answer
What is the difference between 74 and 47?
You buy an item for £15.56 You give a £50 note to the shopkeeper. What is the change? p £4 40p£30 Then total all the jumps 4p + 40p + £4 + £30 = £34.44 Jumps can be labelled with pounds and pence notation, or with decimal notation, leading to = = £
Decrease 100 by
5 + 4 = = = 4 9 – 4 = ___ + ___ = ___ ___ - ___ = ___ ___ – ___ = ___ 8 6 ___ + ___ = ___ ___ - ___ = ___ ___ – ___ = ___ ___ + ___ = ___ ___ - ___ = ___ ___ – ___ = ___ Number triangles are BRILLIANT. Know 1 FACT, know 4 FACTS! They will help you a lot with addition and subtraction… Example Complete… 14 10
multiply lots of multiples double scale up product repeated addition double arrays times
4 x 2 4 sets of 2
4 x 2 4 lots of
4 x 2 4 two times 4 + 4
Fast, mental recall of times tables is really, really IMPORTANT!
Multiplying by 10 – common misconceptions
Multiplication facts How can you help?
divide group divisor quotient remainders share fractions decimals
12 3 = 4 Sharing There are three children and 12 cakes. How many can they each have, if I share them out equally? Sharing 12 things equally into 3 piles. How many in each
4 x 3 = 12 3 x 4 = ÷ 3 = 4 12 ÷ 4 = x ÷÷
100 50 = 100 2 = 100 5 = 100 20 = 100 10 = Look for patterns and relationships too!
dividing any number by 0 gives an answer of 0 eg, 6 ÷ 0 = 0 0 ÷ 59 = 0 dividing any number by 1 leaves the number unchanged e.g, 12 1 =12 1,346 ÷ 1 = 1,346 Order does matter 16 2 does not equal 2 16 division is the opposite of multiplication eg, 3 x 4 = 12 so 12 ÷ 4 = 3 there will be remainders for some division calculations eg, 11 ÷ 2 = 5 and a remainder of 1 You’ll be laughing if you remember these simple facts…
18 3 = 6 Division and number lines/repeated subtraction (getting close to ‘chunking’)
Problem solving 1. I have 26 eggs. If 6 eggs fit in one box, how many boxes will I need for ALL the eggs? 2. There are 26 children in a P.E lesson. If teams of 6 are needed, how many full teams can be made?
Numicon Written division methods Bgfl division
How can you help at home? Oxford Owl
Other useful websites: Topmarks Maths Crickweb Maths Cool Maths BBC Maths Maths Playground How to help at home videos
Tablet friendly games Have a play… KS2
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