Measuring the Spread of Management Ideas and Methods Stuart Umpleby, Lucy Lim, Naveen Hariprasad, and Saadia Khilji The George Washington University
Population by region China and South Asia dominate
Foreign students in USA East Asian students seem to dominate in number Among other regions, Europe is most prominent The number of Latin American and Chinese students has been steady
Business Periodicals /million North America Oceania and East Asia are the next in line Europe leads in business periodicals due to many different languages Latin America, South Asia and Africa are far behind
Total Internet Users by regions The rate of increase has been phenomenal after 1994 North America, Europe and East Asia are the top three China, Oceania, Latin America and South Asia also have a high growth rate An increase in every region But the rate is lower and it started late The graph begins from 1990
ISO 9000 certified companies by regions Europe has been the leader in using the ISO 9000 standard, probably because of the interest in standardization due to the European Union In Europe, more smaller companies exist
GDP per capita by region: a measure of wealth North America, Europe and East Asia dominate North America is the leader Many countries have hardly improved at all The gap between rich and poor countries has widened