THE ISSUE OF SLAVERY Many northern states banned slavery, but ex-slaves still faced harsh discrimination and were separated in churches, schools, and mutual-aid societies. Some slave owners gradually freed individual enslaved persons. The new country was divided: should people be allowed to hold other human beings in bondage?
THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION Created Convention Wanted weak government (or at least limited power) Created a republic (citizens rule through elected representatives) Articles of Confederation were created!
THE ARTICLES CREATED ISSUES… They Could:They Could Not: --conduct foreign affairs --maintain armed forces --borrow money --issue currency --regulate trade --force citizens to join the army --TAX The states had most of the power, creating a weak national government. They needed a stronger national government so they created the Constitution.
1.Meets in Decides to create a new government rather than fix Articles 3.12 of the 13 States send Delegates
I’m Alexander Hamilton. I’m from NY and argued for a strong national government. I’m James Madison from VA. I am “the father of the Constitution” because I wrote most of it. I’m Roger Sherman of CT. I think small states should not be overlooked! I’m George Mason – we must not forget a Bill of Rights!
THE DELEGATES ASSEMBLE Delegates want to create government strong enough to maintain order But also want government that protects people’s rights. George Washington elected president of the Constitutional Convention. Delegates do not want decisions influenced by political pressures, so they decide that discussions will remain secret
TWO PLANS: VIRGINIA PLAN AND NEW JERSEY PLAN What is the difference in these two states?
The Virginia Plan Based representation in Congress on each state’s population. Favored by large states because it gave them more power. The NJ Plan Representation in Congress is equal for all states. Favored by small states because it gave them more power.