Flat structure The organizational structure of Polykids is a flat organization, this is an organizational structure with few or no levels of management between management and other staff members. It focuses on the members of management supervising employees less and instead involving them in the decision making process.
Hierarchical structure In comparison to the hierarchical organization structure which follows the layout of a pyramid. Every employee in the organization, except one, usually the CEO, is in a lower position of authority to someone else within the organization. In a hierarchical organization, a staff member needs approval from a supervisor who needs approval from a manager before a decision is made.
Advantages of flat structure Flat organizational structures promotes a greater level of communication between employees and management. Communication is usually faster, more reliable and more effective than in larger structures such as the hierarchical structure. Whereas in a hierarchical structure communication has to be made across different departments and is therefore more time consuming and less effective.
Flatter structures are more flexible and adaptable than taller structures. In a hierarchical organization, a staff member needs approval from a supervisor who needs approval from a manager before a decision is made. But in a flat organization, staff members have a higher level of authority and decisions can be made quicker.
Disadvantages of flat structure When there are so many employees to manage it is easy to lose control of a situation and if there is a problem employees may be unsure on who to raise the issue to. Also the level of responsibility and authority of employees may not be clear. Whereas in a hierarchical structure employees recognize the different levels of authority and the position and specific job function of the employee is clear.
Flat structure can limit the growth of the organization as management may decide against new opportunities in an effort to maintain the structure, the bigger the organization the harder it becomes to maintain the structure. It can also limit the development of the employees as there isn’t usually opportunity for promotion. Whereas hierarchical structures promote developing employees as specialists in specific areas, they have the option to move up the chain of the structure and the opportunity for promotion.
What it means for management The flat organizational structure means management has less responsibility than they would in a hierarchical structure. They ultimately still hold the highest leadership role but they aren’t required to supervise employees and oversee all decisions made by the employees. Whereas in a hierarchical structure in a hierarchical organization, a staff member needs approval from a supervisor who needs approval from a manager before a decision is made. So the higher a person is in this structure, for example a manager, the more authority they have but also more responsibilities and accountability.
What it means for staff The flat structure means that staff have a higher level authority in a lower position, especially compared to the hierarchical structure. They are involved with the decision making progress rather than having to get approval from a manager or supervisor. They have the right to exercise leadership and authority and don’t have to be supervised.
In a conclusion there a many advantages to the flat organizational structure and the hierarchal organizational structure, but also disadvantages to both. It depends on the size and purpose of the organization as to which structure is better suited.