Specialised Body to Fight Racism SHEILA ROGERS Commission for Racial Equality (London)
RESPONSIBILITIES To eliminate racial discrimination in employment and in the provision of goods, facilities and services including education and housing To promote equality of opportunity for racial groups To promote good race relations To keep legislation under review
STATUS Independent statutory body Funded by Government Board of Commissioners oversee the work of the Commissioners Commissioners appointed following public advertisement
FUNCTIONS Information, education and promotion Advice and assistance to victims Investigation and enforcement Research and advice Preparation of codes of practice Grants for promotional and educational work Assistance to organisations to promote good race relations
AREAS OF CONCERN Segregation Far Right Public Services Alienated Groups Private Sector Safe Communities
Relationship with Civil Society Understanding the grassroots Communication Regular dialogue Advisory Groups Funding
Funding Complainant aid Harassment Multi-agency working Traveller and Gypsy children Cross community projects Sport Asylum Seekers Capacity building
Making a difference Networks across the country Common interests Who are your friends? Understand the law MediaEurope
ISSUES TO CONSIDER Independence Effective enforcement Protection for victims Properly resourced Regional and local delivery Maintain a focus