CPFCPF Strategic Evaluation of Country Programming (2010) CPF is a building block of the Country Programming, which is based on three elements: Priority setting at the country level; Country Programming framework Country Work plan Country Programming is an institutional process that is fully integrated with the corporate planning, programming and accountability system (Rec. 2). CPF should include expected outcomes at the greatest level of detail possible or the most appropriate level of detail reflecting the consensus among Government, UNCT and other partners (Rec. 11). It should also include resource requirements (Rec. 12) CWP will include the unit results planned under the NMTPF/CPF CPF has programmatic relationships with the CWP, which should be defined in the Corporate Country Programming Guidelines
CPFCPF Implications and Challenges for the New Generation of CPFs BEFORE EVALUATION NMTPF isolated from Corporate Planning Many FAO planning frameworks Voluntary approach NMTPF is a country office product Priority setting tool Multiple accountability and reporting AFTER EVALUATION CPF fully integrated in Corporate Planning One country programme Prerequisite for funds allocation CPF is a corporate product Results oriented planning tool One accountability and reporting
CPFCPF CPF Cycle Challenge 1: Priority setting and C.A Challenge 2: Linking CPF to CWP and SF