welcome to ASC we are glad you’re here!
Intramurals Allison Meche
Banquet complete form by March 7
ASC RETREAT IS HERE! - Make sure you've turned in your travel form - Check the packing list on the facebook page - Wear your team color for Capture the Flag! - Check-In will be from 6:30 - 7:30 on Friday night, plan on leaving College Station no later than 5 - Plan to get back to College Station around 6 PM on Saturday
DUES WAHOO Dues are officially LATE today! $5 late fee per week up to $20 $100 for everyone and additional $40 for new girls Exact cash, two checks (for new girls) made out to Aggie Sisters for Christ, or online at marketplace.tamu.edu Place your dues in an ENVELOPE with your name, WiL group leader’s name, and phone number on the outside and give to your WiL group leader
Service Thanks for everyone who came out and served this past week! Upcoming Service Projects: Bridge Ministries Food Sacking. You should have already received an from me with all of the details! Central Baptist MOMS Childcare Thursday 10 am- 12
Profit Share Thursday March 3rd 5 pm until 9 pm Boneheads at 830 University Drive East Place your receipt in the box and a portion of the proceeds goes to support our Mission Trip to Alaska!
Local Service Chair This position on leadership has become available for the rest of the semester! Helps to coordinate service projects within College Station and Bryan. Attends Service Meeting on Sundays Answers s and questions regarding service events throughout the semester me at explaining why you would like to be considered for this position and your heart behind applying. I will you back and set up an
WORSHIP NIGHT next Monday, March 7 th Grace Bible Church (Anderson Campus) 7PM
WATCH OUT FOR RESIDENT PARKING Address: 700 Anderson St, College Station, TX Please park in the church parking lot or the Middle School across the street
Canned Food Scavenger Hunt Tonight AFTER all ASC meeting Come ready to join a team and collect as many canned goods in an hour from the Bryan/ College Station area. Oh and did we mention… it’s 1 SERVICE POINT
SANCTUARY Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary pure and holy tried and true And with thanksgiving I’ll be a living sanctuary just for you