History -Muhammad was born in 570 in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) -40 years old: received word of God from Angel Gabriel -622 A.D. went to Medina because he was forced out of Mecca (Hijrah) -630 A.D. Muhammad returned to Mecca -632 A.D. died; Islam split into 2 sections
Beliefs: Monotheistic- One god “Allah” Prophets: Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad Muhammad is the most important prophet but he should not be worshipped Islam means “submission” 2 main sections/branches *Sunni (largest) *Shi’ah/Shiite Muslims believe in an afterlife
Sacred Writings: Qur’an (Koran) –Holy book -Written in Arabic -Word of God as revealed to Muhammad Hadith –Record of Muhammad’s sayings and actions Shari’ah- Religious laws and duties – guidelines for daily life
Spiritual Places Holy City: Mecca Ka’bah: a shrine in Mecca- considered one of the holiest places Mosque/Masjid: Men and women pray separately -no shoes -before entering you wash (wudu) -no pictures or statues -pray towards the niche (facing Mecca) -led by one man
Practices/Traditions Five Pillars 1. Shahadah- testimony of faith 2. Salah- daily prayer (say 5 times a day) 3. Zakah- giving money to charity 4. Sawm- fast during Ramadan 5. Hajj- journey to Mecca Clothing: Hijab –head covering for women tigiyan- hat for men loose clothing No pork or alcohol
Holidays Ramadan- Holy month (9 th month of Muslim calendar) -daytime is for prayer and reflection -night is for family Eid al-Fitr- 3 day feast at the end of Ramadan -gifts -visits with family