Forest Management What are the critical knowledge gaps? What synthesis and integration activities can help address knowledge gaps? What are the next steps to move forward?
Some background #1 of 2 Forest management can impact C pool sizes by: –Changing production rates (since NEP=NPP- Rh) –Changing decomposition flows (Rh) –Changing amount of material transferred between pools –Changing period between disturbances/mgmt activities. (Source: SOCCR)
Some background #2 of 2 ◘Little published data has been aimed at quantifying impacts of specific forest mgmt activities on C storage in US--Mexico, Canada? ◘ Definition of forest (agroforestry? Urban forest? afforestation? Reforestation?) ◘ Definition of forest management?: the manipulation of trees and forest stands to meet landowner objectives
What are practices with greatest potential? --- (This includes higher C densities, but must know size of area available for practice) Some practices: stocking control, fertilization, fire management, genetically improved trees, partial harvest, Short Rotation Woody Crops, utilization of logging residues, herbivore control, preservation. Tends to be subregional differences SOME TOPICS: #1 of 2
◘ Limited data on area of practice ◘ Higher carbon densities may be unhealthy for forest ◘ Uncertainties SOME TOPICS: #2 of 2
Data Based Case Studies Kane EF Hoover et al, RWU NE4152
“Science”…………Operations National level………stand level How passively managed stands accumulate C Which practices sequester more carbon— regeneration. Questions about afforestation effects National database of practices/areas unknown, maybe Harvested wood carbon System boundaries (more of issue for operations Plantations for energy Uncertainties in various pools Fire management, health, and emissions Maximum carbon accumulation in forests Landowner choices for management Ecosystem services