Lexical Phonology Specifically mixes phonology and morphology The word is the unit of analysis Relationship between phonology and morphology is captured.


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Presentation transcript:

Lexical Phonology Specifically mixes phonology and morphology The word is the unit of analysis Relationship between phonology and morphology is captured in terms of strata Certain affixes are related to certain phonological processes

Lexical Phonology Mechanism of Lexical Phonology Morphemes are added in a conveyor belt fashion Some are added first in one stratum and others later in another

Lexical Phonology English affixes are either neutral or non-neutral

Lexical Phonology Fill in the table and pay attention to pronunciation differences AdjectiveNounAdverb wide long broad

Lexical Phonology Fill in the table and pay attention to pronunciation differences AdjectiveNounAdverb widewidthwidely longlengthLong/lengthwise broadbreadthbroadly

Lexical Phonology Fill in the table and pay attention to pronunciation differences Are -th and -ly neutral or non-neutral? AdjectiveNounAdverb widewidthwidely longlengthLong/lengthwise broadbreadthbroadly

Lexical Phonology

Level Ordering Non-neutral affixes are attached in Stratum 1 Neutral affixes are attached in Stratum 2 –Non-neutral suffixes are closer to the root Root+non-neutral suffix Root+non-neutral suffix+neutral suffix

Level Ordering Non-neutral suffixes are closer to the root Root+non-neutral suffix (-ian) Root+non-neutral suffix+neutral suffix (-ism)

Information in Affixes

We will follow Katamba and assume only 2 levels (strata)

Which level does an affix belong to? Neutral Affixes: (-ly, -ful, -some, -ness, re-, un-, non-, sub-, -ed, -s, -ism) 1-are applied in Stratum 2 2-don’t affect phonology of word (5.1, 5.16). 3-are more productive. 4-apply farther from the stem than non- neutral if any (5.5). 5-allow phonotactic constraints to be violated (e.g., gemination, p ). 6-have a relationship with the stem that is more semantically transparent

Which level does an affix belong to? Non-neutral Affixes: (-ate, -ion, -ity, -ic, in-) 1-apply in Stratum 1. 2-may affect phonology of the stem ( ), but not always (ox+en). 3-are not very productive (-en, -id). 4-apply closer to the stem than neutral affixes (5.5). 5-don’t allow violation of phonotactic constraints (e.g., gemination, p ). 6-have a relationship with the stem that is not as semantically transparent.

How about -ory? Explain > explanatory, inflame > inflammatory –What kind of words does it apply to? –Does it cause phonological changes? –What level does it belong on?

How about -less? Remote > remoteness, power > powerless –What kind of words does it apply to? –Does it cause phonological changes? –What level does it belong on?

Irregular Inflection Irregular inflection is level/stratum 1 –Drive/drove –Shrink/shrank –Ox/oxen –Phenomenon/phenomena The existence of an irregular blocks the formation of a regular in stratum 2 –Oxen blocks oxes

Lexical and Postlexical Rules Stratum 1 and 2 comprise the lexicon. The outcome of each stratum must be a completely formed word. Lexical rules apply in the lexicon Postlexical rules apply after lexical rules have applied

Lexical and Postlexical Rules Lexical rules: –1-apply only to words and morphemes within a word. –2-are cyclic. They may apply more than once after more affixes are added. –3-can refer to morphology within a word. –4-preserve structure-never produce non contrastive phones. –5-apply to certain forms but not to others. They aren’t automatic but word specific. –6-have many exceptions

Lexical and Postlexical Rules Post lexical rules: –1-can apply within or between words. –2-can only refer to phonology never to the morphology within a word. –3-aren’t cyclic and can only apply once. –4-are not structure preserving. They can produce non contrastive sounds. –5-can, but don’t have to apply whenever the context is found. They are automatic not word specific

Strata Stratum 1 –Apply all irregular inflection and irregular derivation Stratum 2 –Apply all regular inflection, regular derivation, and form compounds Postlexical –Apply rules that apply optionally, or across word boundaries.

An example with only morphological, not phonological rules applying

An example with both morphological and phonological rules applying