Dialogue “ I blake too fast?” (Ria) Foreshadowing what the film’s about. “Yo Sama.” (Gun shop owner) Shows how people automatically stereotype others just because they’re speaking another language. “I want you to get the locks changed again in the morning, next time don’t get a gang member.” (Jean) Judging people before we know them, we always go off our initial first impressions. “Buy me a rope and lynch me a nigar.” (Anthony) They believe everyone is racist against blacks and people look down on them.
“There’s a chinaman stuck under our car.” (Peter) They’re proving the point that everyone has racist views as they’re assuming he’s from China. “How hard a black man has to work to get to a place like mine.” We see how racist society actually is, he could loose he job so easily because he is black. “To humiliate People of colour who ride on it.” (Anthony referring to bus) Everyone has set views on how other people perceive them, influencing decisions that they make.
“He’s talking less black.” Assuming people should talk a certain way due to their culture/skin colour. “6 more qualified white men that could’ve got your job.” We as a society rank different cultures below us. The majority of the dialogue in the introductory scenes have racist jibes and comments in them. We can see all the characters are racist towards the different cultures in L.A, clearly portraying the idea that everyone judges each other by first impressions. However in the final scenes there is little to no dialogue, allowing us to see the change in each characters views of other cultures (either a positive or negative change).
Lighting Filter change from black and white – colour in initial scene. Suggests the theme of racism and different cultures, showing the clear divide and isolation between them. Dark lighting when Graham and Flanagan are talking. Shows the anger of Graham and Flanagan says racist comment black people.” In the first half of the film there is a lot of dark lighting used in each scene. This helps to emphasise the racism and stereotyping within each character. But we see a change in lighting in the final scenes as a yellow light is used to illuminate compassion and the more positive views people have on each other in society.
Cinematography Close up - ‘rag head’ written on shop wall. Racist terminology, they don’t even wear a turban. Long shot - Rick and his black assistant. This shows it takes a long time for people of different cultures to have such trust within each other. POV shots cutting quickly between C and R. Having them filmed in different frames represents their views which are separating them apart.
Close up – Christine and Ryan hugging. Close up – cracked back screen window. Breaking the divide and isolation between different cultures in society. Eliminating the racism between Christine and Ryan. Change from POV shots to one of them together as the barrier between them has gone. Linking to the themes of redemption and trust. Close up – Hanson’s face half in dark, half in light. Showing that Hanson is now being influenced by societies racial views, influencing his decisions.
Soundtrack Prominent base noise in background. Shows racism is deep set, in the heart and that it is very hard to alter ones views. Arabic music (majority of end of film) Shows how we can relate to other cultures and also illustrates the different cultures in the movie coming together. There is little change in the soundtrack throughout the film. There were two main tracks used, the base sound at the start and then the Arabic singing at the end. However this changes allows us to see the change in the characters from everyone interacting in different ways.