Public Speaking
“Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and healthy. It shows you care about doing well…”
Tips For Success Know the room Arrive early Verify equipment Flag Know the audience Speak to their level of knowledge Anticipate their position to your message Observe their reactions
Tips for Success (cont.) Know your material Be prepared (Sample Outline) Topic experts Directors, committee members Specific topics 2 or 3 main points Keep it simple Practice your presentation in advance
Tips for Success (cont.) Relax Breathing Think positive You don’t have to be perfect Visualize yourself giving your speech Loud Clear Assured
Tips for Success (cont.) Realize people want you to succeed Don’t apologize Concentrate on the message – not the medium Turn nervousness into positive energy
Tips for Success (cont.) Gain experience Let’s gain experience now Introduce a speaker Provide a topic update Persuasive speech How-to speech