IOC commentary The Bluest Eye – Pages
Summary This extract marks a new chapter in the story and introduces a new character Maureen Peal who has the ideal features of ‘beauty’. My extract particularly focuses on the conversation between Maureen and Pecola, as it shows the growing jealousy that recurres throughout the novel. The impact of this extract on the audience emphasizes Pecola’s shame of her skin, and shows self hatred.
Language Toni Morrison uses colourful imagery to convey the wealth and perhaps, ‘superiority’ of Maureen Peal. “fluffy sweaters” “lemon drops” “brightly coloured” “white borders” “brown velvet coat trimmed in white rabbit fur” “matching muff”
Character Analysis In the beginning, she is described as a ‘high yellow dream child’ with long brown hair braided into two lynch ropes that hung down from her back. The connotations of two lynch ropes is a direct reference to slavery and shows that despite her expensive attire, she can’t escape her ‘black’ childhood.
“Freida and I were bemused, irritated, and fascinated by her” The mix of emotions show the puzzling feelings that Pecola and her friends have towards Maureen Peal. They oppose her, yet are so desperate to befriend her and in many ways, need her to help alter society’s perception of them.
“.. There was a little bump where each extra one had been removed and we smiled” The words ‘we smile’ show inner satisfaction and was put in this extract to attempt to show the diminishing divide between Blacks and Whites.
“When she was assigned a locker next to mine, I could indulge my jealousy four times a day The figurative literary technique ‘indulge my jealousy’ shows that Pecola envies the fact that Maureen Peal is both a valued member of the black AND white community, which further provokes their jealousy.
Structure The ending sentences of the extract P 47: “This disrupter of seasons was a new girl in school named Maureen Peal.” P49: “And when I thought of the unearned haughtiness in her eyes, I plotted accidental slammings of locker doors on her hand.” Both sentences are degrading statements, that emphasize their resentment and fascinating attitude towards her.
Themes & Motifs The theme of jealousy is very prominent in this extract as it shows the extreme jealousy and almost hatred of people that are half relatable to Pecola and her friends. The re-occurring idea that Blacks are forever discriminated and Maureen Peal having green eyes epitomizes their ultimate desire for blue eyes, as seen from the repetitive mention of “blue eyes”, even before this scene.