(Page 98, When Sammy and Pecola were still young – Page 99, more delicate, more lovely) The scene where Toni Morrison focuses on the theme of family on page 98-99
How is Pauline’s family portrayed in this extract? As we know family plays a vital role in the novel the bluest eye. I will know analyze this key extract describing Pauline’s Family
How is the theme of family presented? This extract shows a comparison between Pauline’s family and the family Pauline works for. There is a strong contrast between the two families The family Pauline works for is described in a very pleasant and generous “Whose family members were affectionate, appreciative and generous.” This quote uses a list of three and assonance. This makes the sentence flow as the reader reads through. “She looked at their houses, smelled their linen, touched their silk draperies and loved it all” Another list of three. This quote uses 3 different human senses (sight, smell, touch) to illustrate Pauline’s employer’s family. (olfactory)
How is the theme of family presented? How is Pauline’s family presented? “No zinc tubs, no buckets of stove-heated water, no flaky, stiff grayish towels washed in a kitchen sink” This quote is used to describe Pauline’s own family Repetition of No’s. This is a very negative word, and by repeating it several times it reinforce the fact that Pauline’s family will never get the luxury of the others. The use of cacophony ( Zinc, Buckets, Stiff, Sink) these are harsh words in a sentence used to stop the flow in the sentence.
Comparing the two families Pace of which the description of the families are described From the use of list of threes the description of the employer’s family is quick and it flows From the extensive use of commas and cacophony the description of Pauline’s family does not flow. Toni Morison uses a lot of contrasting features on the same objects Porcelain tub compared to Zinc tub Quantities of hot clear water compared to no buckets of stove heated water. Fluffy white towels compared to stiff, grayish towels
Family through characterization Pauline As key character in this extract, Pauline is shown to be the person that holds the family together. This is ironic as when looking at it in a 1940’s America social perspective, the husband should be the one taking responsibility Toni Morison describes Pauline's Character as being very pesimistic “She was older now, no time for dreams and movies” “She develped a hatred for things that mystified or obstructed her”
Family through characterization Cholly Being the Husband of Pauline you would expect him to lead the family However he is described as a failure “Holding Cholly as a model of sin and failure” “At prayer meetings she moaned and sighed over cholly’s ways”