India and Imperialism
Colonial Parent Country The British Crown took over direct control of India from the East India Company in 1858. Many Indians were forced into labor to construct roads, trading docks, and railroads. They were also banned from government positions and had little rights and lower wages than European counterparts.
Colonial Parent Country As economic exploitation increased, India became determined to start a semi-nonviolent freedom movement in 1947. Parliament of the United Kingdom withdrew the right of the British East India Company to rule India in 1858 as a result of the revolt of 1858. The movement led to the formation of modern India and Muslim Pakistan.
Effects of Imperialism on Native Population-Negative The British destroyed the Indian culture. Disregarded locals and natives traditions Overall India was treated poorly Mughal Leader Bahadur Shah II was exiled and Queen Victoria became empress in 1877
Effects of Imperialism on Native Population- Postitive India was a colony. Infrastructure improved Ports and Railroads improved and were built Education improved
Independence Movement It started in around 1857 to 1947. India was occupied by Great Britain during this time. Mahatma Gandhi was a major influence during this movement. Mahatma Gandhi was a renowned lawyer.
Independence Movement Mahatma Gandhi used many non violent protests to successfully obtain the independence of his country. He was one of the only people who studied British law as an Indian.
Current State of the country Imperialism caused all of these issues within the country Goods and population increased More technology was created and education increased. Racism from the British A loss of money from wars The British ruined their economy The caste system was removed by the British when they made people more equal.
Current State of the Country in 2016 The country’s economy is currently lower than the world average. Under a quarter of the population is in poverty now. The current government in use is a federal government and also a constitutional republic.
Work Cited,5716,108616+1+106074,00.h tml?query=colonialism Webb, Richard. "1750-1914 - Imperialism in India." 1750-1914 - Imperialism in India. New Canaan Public Schools. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. +and+Positive+Effects+of+Imperialism+on+India Cleary, Vern. “A Case Study of British Imperialism in India” Web. 18 Feb. 2016 campaigns/movements-and-campaigns- summaries?sobi2Task=sobi2Details&sobi2Id=17