Epigraph: An inscription at the beginning of a chapter Why do we use epigraphs? The composer may want the responder to take particular notice of some aspect of the character’s life The writer may be drawing an analogy between the character and another character in history or literature
EPIGRAPH: VERY 1 ST PAGE THE READERS ARE EXPOSED TO. “A mist. A great mist. It covered the entire kingdom…………” This quote has come from Chapter 7, p43-44 Introduces readers to the notion of storytelling Shows the relationship between Gemma and her granddaughters makes reference to the Holocaust. “ A hundred years is forever” symbolises those who weren’t fortunate enough to survive
EPIGRAPH: BEFORE THE INTRODUCTION “… (B)oth the oral and literary forms of the fairytale are grounded in history……..” Emanate: issue, proceed from a source Bestial: brutal, savage, like a beast Fairytales are created by people who use this medium to help them communicate and thus deal with painful events
EPIGRAPH: HOME (page 1) “But far above these as a source of myth, are the half heard scraps….” Garbled: jumbled or unclear because of distortion or ommission Fairytales are composed from snippets of other stories Fairytales are passed on through generations, through time
“everyone likes a fairytale because everyone wants things to come out right in the end…..” Symbolises hope and truth Often, there is a truth hidden within a story
EPIGRAPH: CASTLE (page 161) “ The thirteenth fairy, her fingers as long and thin as straws…” Simile- makes reference to the 13 th fairy in the original Sleeping Beauty fairytale “evil gift”- alludes to the original fairytale. The 13 th fairy stated that in her 15 th year, the King’s daughter would prick herself with a spindle and fall down dead
“ Once we have accepted the story we cannot escape the story’s fate” Cannot change Gemma’s history or experiences Becca seeked the truth to her Grandmother’s past
EPIGRAPH: HOME AGAIN (PAGE 223) “ We say to fibbing children….” Fibbing: lying Children’s fairytales are often like old wives tales, however it is much better to be over generous with the truth that being wasteful with it
“Perhaps we are born knowing the tales of our grandmothers….” The notion that we are always conscious of our family’s history.