Key points for test
Archaebacteria vs. Eubacteria Both have no nucleus or membrane bound organelles. No peptidoglycan at all in cell wall Several kinds of RNA polymerase in archaebacteria like the eukarya. Archaebacteria starts with the same Met amino acid that eukarya starts with while eubacteria have a different form. Archaebacteria have histone proteins like eukarya to wrap their DNA around, while eubacteria don’t. Archaebacteria have some introns, while eubacteria don’t. Archaebacteria have a circular chromosome like eubacteria.
Koch’s postulates 1. Find the pathogen in a diseased individual. 2. isolate the pathogen and grow it in culture. 3. induce the disease into experimental animals by transferring the pathogen. 4. isolate the pathogen from the experimental animals after the disease develops
Fungi PhylumKey reproductive feature ChytridomycotaMotile spores with flagella ZygomycotaResistant sygosporangium as sexual stage AscomycotaSexual spores are internal in sacs called asci BasidiomycotaSexual spore are external in club- shaped structures called basidia
Fun facts with fungi cts/factindx1.htmhttp:// cts/factindx1.htm