Training & Education Series
3 Preparedness Actions 1. Make a Plan 2. Build a Kit 3.Get Trained
Natural Disasters Flood Wind and winter storms Wild fires and brush fires Volcanoes Earthquakes
How many earthquakes have occurred over the last two weeks in the Pacific Northwest ?
Types of Earthquakes Nisqually - “Deep” Seattle Fault Cascadia Subduction
Volcano/mountain formation
How can you prepare? Eliminate Hazards by conducting a Hazard Hunt –If something fell, would it: Hurt someone? Block an exit? Keep you from getting to your loved ones? Break your heart?
Preparing your Home MUSEUM WAX
Preparing your Home
During an Earthquake If Inside, Stay Inside! – Drop – Cover – Hold on Only evacuate if you are facing obvious structural damage or you smell gas If Outside –Drop –Cover –Watch out for trees, power lines, etc
Make a plan
Out of Area Contact
Think about your pets Have a safe place to take your pets Assemble a portable pet disaster supplies kit Know what to do as a disaster approaches
Get Notification
Know where to Tune In! In English FM 97.3 AM 1000 TV: channel 7
Build A Kit: First Aid & Disaster Supplies
Water Food First Aid Kit Tools and Supplies Clothing Special Items Prepare a disaster supply kit
How much Water? 3
Get through debris Store under your bed