VSA Library Orientation & Resource Introduction Y.8 September 2010 By Sarah Ho VSA Teacher Librarian (Secondary)
Library Services Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 7:45a.m to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Sundays, Public Holidays: Closed
Patrons ’ Right Patron type Max Out Max Renew Max Hold Loan periods MYP student s (Y7-Y10) days DP student s (Y11-Y12) days (RES 7 days)
Library Resources Books – OPAC (DDC) Reference Books Multi-Media Items Newspapers (+ Online Newspapers) Journals (English and Chinese) Free Publication and School special Editions Reserved textbooks (for Ts. & DPss.) School Databases (with password) Hong Kong Public Libraries (Databases/Books/Multi-Media)
Library Book Searching 線上圖書館檢索目錄 Our OPAC –Online Public Access Catalog (online library catalog) (From VSA webpage-Intranet)
What E-Resources can be found in the VSA Library? School Databases (with password) EBSCO Encyclopedia Britannica Online 智慧藏學習科技 WiseNews WiseSearch Grove Art Online Grove Music Online World Book ProQuestelib SCMP YoungPost Archive
What these School Databases are? 1.Wise News: Newspapers from H.K., Mainland, Taiwan. 2.Encyclopedia Britannica Online/ 智慧藏學習 科技 : Articles written by professionals and scholars on individual subjects. 3.EBSCO: Student Research Centre/Point of View Reference Centre/E- Journal/Teacher Databases 4. Grove Online: Art/Music: Authoritative articles on fine arts and music written by professional scholars. 5. World Book: includes encyclopedia articles, primary source collections, educator tools, student activities, pictures, audio, and video, complemented by current periodicals and related Web sites.
VSA Secondary Library Which/What is NEW to you?
New Book Exhibition Area?
Library Areas 1. Sofas Areas (for self-studies and Free Lesson) 2. Projector Area 3. Computer Area 4. Reference Desk (Everyday Lunch Break) 5. Printer Area 6. New Book Exhibition Area 7. Subject Book Exhibition Area (Public Library) 8. New Chinese Book Exhibition Area 9. J. F. & Subject Book Exhibition Area (Need to be reserved)
New Book Exhibition Area?
Library Courtesy No Food and Drinks in the library, please. Leave your Food and Drinks on the shelf near the library entrance. Keep your voice down. Silent Zone: Please keep your voice down.
Library Courtesy Don’t sit on the table. Sit on the sofas properly. Keep your feet off the sofas. No sleeping on the sofas.
Library Courtesy Don’t re-shelve any library items. Place them on the trolley. Don’t move the library furniture without prior approval. Check out library items at the counter before leaving the library. No running in the library.
How can the School Library help you? What support the library can provide for your reading and learning?
Student Support 1. Routine Support: During Lessons (Free Lesson -Sign up at the counter) Lunch Break/After School/Saturday Morning (Community Service Hours: Application Form) Reference Desk 2. Project/Homework: Personal Project: Briefing/Meeting Homework Help Centre (Lunch break/Saturday) 3. Library Award 2010: Reading Schemes (Chinese/English) Subject Book Recommendation Reading Activities (Internal / External) Top Reader/Booktalk/Morning Reading Star…..
Monthly Morning Reading Stars 10 Points in Library Award 2010 Bring a printed item to read every morning at your homeroom or in the library!! Develop a good habit of Morning Reading Time! You will be nominated by your teachers and your name will be posted in the library!! From VSA Secondary Library
Monthly Top Readers For those who borrow books from the library !!! 10 Points in Library Award 2010 Your name will be posted in the library!! From VSA Secondary Library
Monthly BookTalk 2010 Share a lovely book with your schoolmates in the library ?? 10 Points in Library Award 2010
Library Award 2010 Point System Internal Reading Events: 1. Chinese Extensive Reading Scheme (Y7-10) Diamond: 100 points Gold:80 points Silver:60 points Bronze: 40 points 2. English Book Reading Scheme - Book Of the Month points 4. Good Library Book Recommendation *** points (Include Both English and Chinese Books) 3. Subject Book Recommendation points – 20 points
Library Award 2010 Point System External Reading Events: (Y7-12) Participation: 10 points Champion:50 points 1st runner-up: 30 points 2nd runner-up: 20 points Internal Reading Events: Participation: 10 points Champion :50 points 1st runner-up: 30 points 2nd runner-up: 20 points Internal Reading Events: Monthly Top Reader: points Monthly Morning Reading Stars points Monthly Booktalk: points
Thank you for Listening attentively!!