Friday, August 31, 2012 Objectives: I can identify and correct run- ons and fragments. I can define vocabulary words for a short story. Key Terms: 1. Game 2. Yacht 3. cliffs 4. Chateau 5. Gargoyle 6. Cossack 7. Ennui 8. Knouter 9. zealous 10. World War I 11. Trench Warfare 12. palpable 13. amenity 14. futile 15. debacle
Quiz Time During a quiz follow class rules. Be respectful. Be seated, quiet, and working. When you are finished turn in your test in the correct turn in bin for your class and period. When you finish begin a page in your notebook with today’s date and label it “The Most Dangerous Game Vocabulary.”
“The Most Dangerous Game” By Richard Connell
Game 1. An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime: party games; word games. 2. a. A competitive activity or sport in which players contend with each other according to a set of rules: the game of basketball; the game of gin rummy. c. games An organized athletic program or contest: track-and-field games; took part in the winter games. d. A period of competition or challenge: It was too late in the game to change the schedule of the project. 3.a. Evasive, trifling, or manipulative behavior: wanted a straight answer, not more of their tiresome games. b. A calculated strategy or approach; a scheme: 4. Wild animals, birds, or fish hunted for food or sport
Yacht= A yacht is a recreational boat or ship. The term originated from the Dutch Jacht meaning "hunt". It was originally defined as a light fast sailing vessel used by the Dutch navy to pursue pirates and other transgressors around and into the shallow waters of the Low Countries.boatshipDutch
Cliffs = a significant vertical, or near vertical, rock exposure.
Chateau = is a manor house or residence of the lord of the manor or a country house of nobility or gentry, with or without fortifications, originally—and still most frequently—in French-speaking regions. The word château is also used for castles in French.manor houselord of the manornobilitygentryFrenchcastles
Gargoyle 1. a waterspout carved in the form of a grotesque face or creature and projecting from a roof gutter, especially of a Gothic church; used to scare away evil 2. any grotesque ornament or projection, esp. on a building
Cossack A cossack, member of a military unit (typically cavalry, originally recruited exclusively from southern Russia and Ukraine)cossackcavalry
Ennui = a lack of spirit, enthusiasm, or interest
Knouter = A Knout is an enormous whip that was used for punishment; it often resulted in death. So the knouter was the man with the knout.
Zealous feeling or showing strong and energetic support for a person, cause, etc. : filled with zeal
Palpable obvious and noticeable I felt a palpable sense of relief. The attraction between them was palpable. The unspoken elephant in the room was palpable.
Amenity something that makes life easier or more pleasant
futile having no result or effect : pointless or useless
debacle a great disaster or complete failure
World War I The First World War, originally called the Great War, raged from 1914 to Mostly fought in western Europe in muddy, bloody trenches, WWI saw the introduction of the machine gun and poison gas into battle.
World War I World War I ( ), was an extremely bloody war, with huge losses of life and little ground lost or won. Fought mostly by soldiers in trenches, World War I saw an estimated 10 million military deaths. – 6 th deadliest war in history
Trench Warfare Warfare in which opposing armed forces attack, counterattack, and defend from relatively permanent systems of trenches dug into the ground. The opposing systems of trenches are usually close to one another. Trench warfare is resorted to when the superior firepower of the defense compels the opposing forces to “dig in” so extensively as to sacrifice their mobility in order to gain protection.defense
A trench system may begin simply as a collection of foxholes hastily dug by troops using their entrenching tools. These holes may subsequently be deepened so that a soldier can safely stand up in one of them, and the individual foxholes may be connected by shallow crawl trenches. From this beginning a system of more permanent trenches may be constructed. In making a trench, soil from the excavation is used to create raised walls running both in front of and behind the trench. Within the trench are firing positions along a raised forward step called a fire step, and duckboards are placed on the often muddy bottom of the trench to provide secure step