Vietnam Map Project
Draw Vietnam
-Imperialism at its best: -Draw at French Flag -Add dates:
-WWII Begins -Japan invades -Takes control Vietnam Cross out French Flag or Draw arrow to: -Draw a Japanese flag -Add dates:
Who is going to control Vietnam after the Japanese in WWII? Cross out Japanese Flag or draw arrow to: Draw a flag of ????? Add the dates:
Vietnam War 1 st Add: The Gulf of Tonkin 2 nd Add: 17 th Parallel 3 rd Draw in Laos and Cambodia the best you can 4 th Draw Communist Flag 5 th Draw Nationalist Flag 6 th Add Hanoi and Saigon 7 th Add: Ho Chi Minh Trail 8 th Add: Numerous dots/stars throughout S. Vietnam 9 th Add: Key-stating dots/stars =Vietcong (They support of the N. Vietnamese, but hid and live in the S. Vietnam
Color: -One side: Communist - Red??? -One side: Nationalist - Blue??? DONE !! 20pts