A hierarchical coordination language for reliable real-time tasks Arkadeb Ghosal University of California, Berkeley Dissertation Talk CHESS Seminar 22 nd January, 2008
Introduction and Motivation Logical Execution Time Logical Reliability Constraint Hierarchical Timing Language Comparison and Conclusion Overview of the presentation Dissertation Talk201/22/2008
The interdependence between functional and real-time semantics of real- time software makes its design, implementation and maintenance especially difficult. Providing a programming language that directly supports the characteristics of embedded real-time software can significantly ease these difficulties. In addition, embedded software systems are not portable as they depend on the particular underlying operating system and hardware architecture. Providing implementation-independent programming models also increases the portability. Chapter 25. Programming Languages for Real-Time Systems Embedded Systems Design The ARTIST Roadmap for Research and Development Dissertation Talk301/22/2008
X-by-wire systems replace mechanical couplings Dissertation Talk BrakingShiftingSteering Shift-by-wireBrake-by-wireSteer-by-wire 401/22/2008
Design complexity is growing at an alarming rate Dissertation Talk Concurrency, Composability, Time, Hierarchy, Heterogeneity, Verifiability Resource Constraints, Reliability, Platform Limitation, Distribution, Communication Faster Time to Market, OEM, Option Packaging, Extensibility, Interface Validation Standardization, Laws, Calibration Sets, Market, Safety, Validation Time Estimated Cost200 % Number of ECUS150 % Software Size 9900% 1970s1990s2020s2000s2010s1980s1960s Mechanical 76 Electronics 13 Software 02 Others 09 Mechanical55 Electronics24 Software13 Others08 Growth of electronic control and software in automobiles Development effort for automotive related software (Japan / year): $903 million to $9.1 billion (by 2014 ) Source: General Motors and Nihon Keizai Shimbun 501/22/2008
Handling complexity by separation of concerns Dissertation Talk Common Semantics Domain (Platform) Application Space Architecture Space Sensors: Desired Steer/ Torque, Wheel Angle/ Speed, Motor Current/ Torque, Friction/ Pitch/ Yaw/ Roll Actuators: Wheel Motor Actuation, Steer Feedback, Warning Steering Functionality: Motor Current and Steer Feedback Computation, Supervisory Control, Fault Handling, Power Coordination Synthesis Performance Analysis System Behavior System Platform Mapping Function definitions with dependencies Communication and Computation Resources f1 f2 f3 h1 h2 h3 The specific architecture used here is a simplified Steer-By-Wire model used by General Motors for their prototype hydrogen fuel-cell car FX-3. Steering Feedback MCU RL ECU1 ECU2 ECU3 ECU4 MCU FL MCU RR MCU FR 601/22/2008
Introduction and Motivation Logical Execution Time Logical Reliability Constraint Hierarchical Timing Language Comparison and Conclusion Overview of the presentation Dissertation Talk701/22/2008
Logical Execution Time (LET) Model Dissertation Talk active Logical Execution Time (LET) { Logical release eventtermination event releasestartpreemptionresumecompletiontermination running { Physical Time-safe LET tasks are time and value deterministic, portable and composable The LET model of task execution decouples the times when a task reads input and writes output from the time when the task executes input read output written 801/22/2008
LET and time-safety Dissertation Talk t Logical Execution Timerelease eventtermination event tt t2 t1 Logical Execution Timerelease eventtermination event t1 t2 t1 release eventtermination event t1 t2 release eventtermination event WCET(t) ≤ LET(t) WCET(t1) + WCET (t2) ≤ LET e.g. rate monotonic Aperiodic task scheduling 901/22/2008
Features of LET model Dissertation Talk Time determinismValue determinism PortabilityComposability 1001/22/2008
Comparison Dissertation Talk Priorities to specify the relative deadlines of software tasks Task evaluations are made available as soon as the execution is complete Logical Execution Model code efficiency mathematical expressiveness Supports efficient code generation based on scheduling theory Resulting run-time behavior is highly non-deterministic Synchrony assumption Execution is sufficiently fast to complete before the arrival of next event Ensures deterministic behavior and supports formal verification Non-trivial to compile for non-negligible execution times and distribution code predictability computational realities 1101/22/2008
Schedulability-preserving refinement Dissertation Talk t1t2a13t2t3a13a2t3a13t1 abstract specification concrete specification oneconcrete specification two 1201/22/2008
If an abstract specification is time-safe (schedulable), then any concrete specification that refines the abstract specification is also time-safe (schedulable) Sufficient condition Price is over approximate of resource usage Checking refinement is simpler than checking schedulability Checking refinement vs. checking schedulability Dissertation Talk t1 t2t1 t2 Parallel Composition Requires rescheduling (unless it is a refinement) Vertical Extension Refinement of Tasks (does not require rescheduling) 1301/22/2008
Communicators and LET tasks Dissertation Talk LET for task t1 t1 updates 4 th instance of c3 t1 reads 2 nd instance of c1 t1 reads 2 nd instance of c2 t1 updates 4 th instance of c2 A communicator is a typed variable that can be accessed (read from or written to) only at specific time instances (specified through a communicator period) c1 c2 c3 1401/22/2008
Exhibit deterministic behavior Given sufficient CPU speed for time-safety, the real-time behavior is determined by the input, independent of the CPU speed and utilization Race free Different tasks cannot write to the same instance of a communicator Write precedes read Every communicator instance is updated before it is read Communicators and determinism Dissertation Talk ss t1 t1 writes c cc aa t2 t2 reads c sensor writes s (possibly through drivers) actuator reads a (possibly through drivers) 1501/22/2008
Schedulability of group of tasks Dissertation Talk c1 c2 LET for task t1 c3 c4 LET for task t2 LET for task t3 LET for task t4 1601/22/2008
Schedulability-preserving refinement Dissertation Talk LET for task t1 LET for task t2 LET for task t3 LET for task t4 LET for task t7 LET for task t6 LET for task t5 wcet (t5) <= wcet (t4); wcet (t6) <= wcet (t3); wcet (t7) <= wcet (t1) 1701/22/2008
Introduction and Motivation Logical Execution Time Logical Reliability Constraint Hierarchical Timing Language Comparison and Conclusion Overview of the presentation Dissertation Talk1801/22/2008
Separation of requirements from guarantees Timing requirements through LETs Performance guarantees through WCETs Separation of application from architecture Release and termination times are application dependent “logical” information WCETs are architecture dependent “physical” data Extending the approach for reliability Separation of reliability requirement from performance guarantee Separation of application dependent “logical” reliability from architecture dependent “physical” data Reliability Dissertation Talk1901/22/2008
Each communicator has an LRC, a real number between 0 and 1 LRC = 0.9 means in the long run, at least 0.9 fraction of all periodic writes to the communicator are required to be valid A requirement on the specification Similar to the concept of release times and termination times in LET Logical (long-term) Reliability Constraint (LRC) Dissertation Talk c1 24 ● 264 ● = 18/20 = /22/2008
Guarantee of updating a communicator with valid value in one step A real number between 0 and 1 SRG = 0.95 means that the probability that a communicator gets a reliable value at write instance is at least 0.95 Similar to the concept of WCET in schedulability analysis Singular (short-term) Reliability Guarantee (SRG) Dissertation Talk t sa LRC = 1LRC = 0.9 h specificationarchitecture1 h reliability = 0.8SRG =.96 reliability = 0.95SRG = 0.95 h architecture2 2101/22/2008
Hosts are fail-silent A host either works correctly or stops functioning (becomes silent) Hosts are connected over a reliable broadcast network Tasks algorithms are “correct” If a task executes reliably, the output is correct Input is reliable Unreliability of inputs can be accounted through three models If an input is unreliable, the task uses a pre-defined value If any one of the inputs fails, the task fails to execute If all inputs are unreliable, the task fails to execute; if a subset of the inputs fail then the task may execute Assumption on architecture and inputs Dissertation Talk2201/22/2008
Reliability-preserving refinement t1t2 Dissertation Talk c1 c2 LRC(c2) ≤ LRC(c1) If LRC(c1) is satisfied, then LRC(c2) will be satisfied 2301/22/2008
LET and WCET LRC and SRG Dissertation Talk Separation of timing requirements (LETs) from performance guarantees (WCETs) Release and termination times are application dependent “logical” information WCETs are platform dependent “physical” data Separation of reliability requirements (LRCs) from reliability guarantees (SRGs) LRCs are application dependent “logical” information SRGs are platform dependent “physical” data Comparison Analysis ensures that implementation matches the logical information against the physical data for schedulability and reliability 2401/22/2008
Schedulability analysis vs. reliability analysis For all tasks, time safety is ensured All replications of a task complete execution and transmission within task LET For all communicator, long-run average of the number of reliable values observed at access points is at least LRC of the communicator For race-free, memory-free specification, SRG of a communicator should be no less than the corresponding LRC Refinement constraints ensure that if a specification is schedulable then refinement is schedulable for the matching implementation Refinement constraints ensure that if a specification is schedulable then refinement if reliable for the matching implementation Dissertation Talk2501/22/2008
Introduction and Motivation Logical Execution Time Logical Reliability Constraint Hierarchical Timing Language Comparison and Conclusion Overview of the presentation Dissertation Talk2601/22/2008
A coordination language i.e. individual tasks for computation and communication are implemented in ‘foreign’ languages Computational units are LET tasks Communication model is centered around communicators Allows sequential, conditional and parallel composition of tasks Allows refinement of abstract tasks into concrete tasks Schedulability-preserving refinement and reliability-preserving refinement Hierarchical Timing Language (HTL) Dissertation Talk2701/22/2008
Mode Dissertation Talk c1 c2 c3 c4 task t1 t1 reads 2 nd instance of c1 t1 reads 2 nd instance of c2 task t3 t3 updates 5 th instance of c2 task t2 t2 reads 5 th instance of c1 t2 updates 6 h instance of c1 A group of tasks with identical frequencies and possibly direct communication t1 updates 5 th instance of c1 2801/22/2008
Module and Program Dissertation Talk program P mode m11 mode m12 mode m13 module M1 module M2module M3 mode m31 mode m32 mode m22 mode m21 mode m23 Modes may switch at the end of mode periods t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 mode m1 t1 t2 t3 mode m2 Module is a network of modes and mode switches: sequential and conditional composition Program is a set of modules: parallel composition 2901/22/2008
Refinement Dissertation Talk A mode in a program can be replaced by another HTL program A program with arbitrary levels of refinement can be translated into one with none Refinement allows structured and concise specification without overloading analysis 3001/22/2008
Refinement on precedence tasks Dissertation Talk t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 mode m Timing and resource constraints same as earlier program P refines mode m Period of all modes in P is same as the period of m No unsafe termination Every task in m1 maps to a task in m Placeholder in analysis t41 t51 t61 m1 t42 t52 t62 m2 t83 t93 m3 Any two tasks in two modes of sibling modules of P maps to distinct tasks in m Unique placeholder for parallel tasks A program refines one and only one mode 3101/22/2008
Allows choice and change in task functionality; refinement only constrains the timing behavior of the concrete task and not the functional behavior Choice is expressed when an abstract task is refined by multiple concrete tasks each denoting different execution scenario Change is expressed when a concrete task, refining an abstract task, reads from and writes to different communicators than the abstract task Allows adding and replacing parts of program without overloading analyses Refinements may be added later without repeating the schedulability analysis and/or modifying the timing interfaces of other tasks A refinement can be replaced by another refinement without change in analyses Refinement Dissertation Talk3201/22/2008
Steer-by-wire in HTL controlfault diagnosis steer feedback powersupervisor over steering under steering idle motion crawl average manual cruise manual cruise fault1 fault2 no fault1 fault2 no fault2 fault1 sensor [rr, rl, fl, fr] actuator [rr, rl, fl, fr] lohi lo hi startnml deg lohi lohilohi nml emg Thanks to Sri Kanajan and Claudio Pinello, General Motors Research 01/22/2008Dissertation Talk33
Three Tank Controller 01/22/2008Dissertation Talk34
Helicopter Control 01/22/2008Dissertation Talk35
Program Definition 01/22/2008Dissertation Talk36 Communicator = (type, initial value, period, lrc) Module = (ports, tasks, modes, start mode) Port = (type, initial value) Task = (set of input types, set of output types, function) Mode = (period, task invocations, mode switches, program) Task invocation = (input ports / communicators, output ports / communicators, task) Mode switches = (condition, destination mode) Program = (communicators, modules) Architecture = set of hosts connected over broadcast network, set of sensors Performance guarantee = reliability of hosts/ sensors, WCET/WCTT of tasks Implementation = mapping of root modules to hosts
Determinism Structural and execution constraints Schedulability-preserving refinement Constraints on timing behavior of tasks Constraints on performance guarantee of tasks Reliability-preserving refinement Constraints on input/output interface of tasks Constraints on mode switches Constraints Dissertation Talk3701/22/2008
Analysis 01/22/2008Dissertation Talk38 HTL program, P (hierarchical program) Implementation, I (map of root modules of P to A) Abstract program of P (root program without refinement) Abstract Implementation of I (map of root modules of P to A) Architecture (hosts connected over broadcast network) Constraints (WCET/WCTT of tasks reliability of hosts and sensors) refinement constraints schedulability- and reliability- preserving If abstract implementation is schedulable and reliable, then implementation is reliable and schedulable
From specification to implementation Dissertation Talk3901/22/2008
Introduction and Motivation Logical Execution Time Logical Reliability Constraint Hierarchical Timing Language Comparison and Conclusion Overview of the presentation Dissertation Talk4001/22/2008
The design flow Dissertation Talk silicon chips executables programs models applications Actor-Oriented Design: A focus on domain-specific languages for embedded systems, MEMOCODE 2004 Prof Edward Lee. Giotto Simulink synchronous reactive dataflow communications automotive avionics FPGA configurations X86 programs FPGAs microprocessors MOSIS chips C++ Java VHDL 4101/22/2008
and HTL Dissertation Talk abstraction levels design capture (MoC, action automaton) mapping (common semantics domain) verification property checking (schedulability, reliability, deadlock) static analysis of performance (power, quality) SW code generation, SW/HW generation RTL generation, Implementation synthesis mapping, cache size, address map memory sizing, platform exploration design tasks Design Environment for Electronic Systems (based on the principles of Platform Based Design) computation communication coordination design 4201/22/2008
Ptolemy and HTL Dissertation Talk Tagged Signal Model Process Network Semantics Firing Semantics Stateful Firing Semantics Thanks to Prof. Edward A. Lee Kahn Process Network Hybrid Systems Continuous Time Discrete Event Synchronous/ Reactive TDL Giotto TM xGiotto Modeling, Simulation, and Design of concurrent, real-time, embedded systems (using well-defined models of computation) 4301/22/2008
Giotto: time periodic multi-modal Giotto: A time-triggered language for embedded programming. Henzinger, Horowitz, Kirsch Timed-Multitasking: LET expressed through deadlines Timed multitasking for real-time embedded software. Liu, Lee Timing Definition Language: time periodic multi-modal Transparent distribution of real-time components based on logical execution time. Farcas, Pree, Templ xGiotto: event triggered language Event-driven programming with logical execution times. Ghosal, Henzinger, Kirsch, Sanvido Timing Specification Language: Giotto with precedence Timed Input / Output Determinacy for Tasks with Precedence constraints. Iercan, Ghosal Timed Languages Dissertation Talk4401/22/2008
HTL and Timed languages Dissertation Talk t1 t2 t4 mode m1 (period 10) t1 t2 t1 t2 t5 mode m2 (period 10) t1 t2 mode m10 (period 10) t3 mode m5 (period 5) t4 mode m51 (period 5) t5 mode m52 (period 5) Reducing latency, LET flexibility, LET for Task Groups Logical reliability model Task refinement, schedulability- and reliability-preserving refinement Code generation that explicitly addresses hierarchy and replication Unit delay model, LET tied to period, flat structure Giotto, Timing Definition Language, xGiotto, Timed-Multitasking 4501/22/2008
Event arrival handling in HTL is based on synchrony assumption HTL program and causal synchronous programs are deterministic Event arrival handling in HTL is based on synchrony assumption HTL program and causal synchronous programs are deterministic HTL and Synchronous languages Dissertation Talk HTL is a coordination language while synchronous languages are not HTL offers an explicit program structure that supports refinement of tasks into task groups with precedence Burden for well-definedness of program is shifted from logical fixed-point considerations to physical scheduling and/or replication Preserving schedulability and reliability through refinement Code generation technique differs in accounting for hierarchical structure and in generating code for a virtual machine HTL is a coordination language while synchronous languages are not HTL offers an explicit program structure that supports refinement of tasks into task groups with precedence Burden for well-definedness of program is shifted from logical fixed-point considerations to physical scheduling and/or replication Preserving schedulability and reliability through refinement Code generation technique differs in accounting for hierarchical structure and in generating code for a virtual machine 4601/22/2008
Synthesis Does an implementation exist for given program and an architecture ? Imprecise computation Is it OK even if the task do not complete by termination event ? Power How to account for power in an equivalent logical power model ? Input failure pattern Is it possible to account for complex input failure patterns ? Redundancy Instead of replication on multiple hosts, can the LET invoke multiple executions ? Communication How to account for point-to-point link instead of broadcast communication ? Event triggers How to include event triggered tasks in this framework ? Cost Is it possible to account for monetary cost of the implementation ? Future Work 01/22/2008Dissertation Talk47
Ghosal, Henzinger, Iercan, Kirsch, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. A hierarchical coordination language for interacting real-time tasks. EMSOFT 2006 Ghosal, Iercan, Kirsch, Henzinger, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. Separate compilation of hierarchical real-time programs into linear-bounded embedded machine code. APGES 07 Chatterjee, Ghosal, Iercan, Kirsch, Henzinger, Pinello, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. Logical reliability of interacting real-time tasks. DATE 2008 References 01/22/2008Dissertation Talk48 Ghosal. A hierarchical language for reliable real-time tasks. PHD Thesis HTL home page Ghosal, Henzinger, Kirsch, Sanvido. Event-driven programming with logical execution times. HSCC 2004 Ghosal, Zavala, Sanvido, Hedrick. Implementation of AFR controller in an event-driven real- time language. ACC 2005 Iercan, Ghosal. Timed input/output determinacy for tasks with precedence constraints. CONTI 2006 Ghosal, Kanajan, Urbance, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. An initial study on monetary cost evaluation for the design of automotive electrical architectures. SAE 2007 Ghosal, Kanajan, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. A study on monetary cost analysis for product line architectures. SAE 2008
A coordination language i.e. individual tasks for computation and communication are implemented in ‘foreign’ languages Targeted for reliable real-time applications Specification allows parallel composition and refinement of tasks Incorporates schedulability-preserving refinement Incorporates reliability-preserving refinement Compiler, implementation and examples at Conclusion Dissertation Talk4901/22/2008
Acknowledgments 01/22/2008Dissertation Talk50 Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Thomas A. Henzinger Christoph M. Kirsch Claudio Pinello Krishnendu Chatterjee Daniel Iercan
Dissertation Talk5101/22/2008