12.2 Solid Waste Options for the Future Mrs. Trimble Mrs. Perryman Mrs. Roth
Producing less waste If we produce less waste, we will reduce the expense and difficulty of collecting and disposing of it. If we produce less waste, we will reduce the expense and difficulty of collecting and disposing of it. Brain storm some ideas for reducing the amount of waste we produce. Brain storm some ideas for reducing the amount of waste we produce.
Soda Pop Containers- Which is the better purchase? Single Serve Plastic Single Serve Plastic Single Serve Glass Single Serve Glass Single Serve Aluminum Single Serve Aluminum 2- Liter Bottle 2- Liter Bottle 6-pack aluminum 6-pack aluminum 12 or 24 pack aluminum in a case 12 or 24 pack aluminum in a case
Buy Products with less Packaging
Some ideas The most efficient packages tend to use single, not multiple, components The most efficient packages tend to use single, not multiple, components Flexible packages often deliver more product with less packaging. Examples include bags, pouches and wraps. Flexible packages often deliver more product with less packaging. Examples include bags, pouches and wraps. Buying products in large "economy sizes" generates less packaging waste than "single- serving" items. Buying products in large "economy sizes" generates less packaging waste than "single- serving" items. Concentrated products require less packaging. Concentrated products require less packaging.
Why is recycling Necessary? The life cycle of a can The life cycle of a can
What you know Reuse Reduce Recycle
What you need to do Reduce Reuse BUY PRODUCTS MADE FROM RECYCLED Materials! recycle