2 nd Grade Mrs. Rice
Information Can be downloaded from class website Class Schedule Glow Buddies Back to School Night Powerpoint and Packet Special Person Schedule
Class Schedule - Mass (Most Fridays unless there is a student body Mass that week or shortened week) Auxiliary Classes: - Science (Thursday, Friday) –P.E. (Tuesday, Thursday) –Computer (Tuesday, Thursday) –Music (Wednesday, Friday) –Library: students may check out, return books, and take AR tests anytime during their recess and/or lunch
Behavior Table points Penny Students have created and signed their classroom rules Students receive warnings first and then turn cards Any positive behaviors can return cards to previous colors
Card Colors Yellow = Great choices! Scholarly behavior Green = Think about your choices and how you can change your card back to yellow Red = Teacher’s choice/Warning. Blue = Note or phone call home. Loss of a penny for that day. Consequence to be discussed with parent and teacher. It is possible to change cards back to yellow by the end of the day Blue card changes will have a note or phone call home
Grades O = Outstanding G = Very Good S = Satisfactory NI = Needs Improvement U = Unacceptable Skills + = Area of Strength √ = Area for Improvement Based upon tests, projects, class work, and homework
Grades Continued Project grades will be based upon rubrics Tests will be graded upon correct answer choices Class work will be graded upon use of time in the classroom, care taken for each assignment, and completion depending upon time allotment Behavior is based upon St. John Eudes rubric and the color of their card at the end of each day
Homework About 30 minutes to one hour of homework a night Homework can be found on class website. Homework is due every Friday. If it is a shorter week, the due date will be noted on the homework sheet. Read for 10 minutes every night. Parents should sign the Reading Log which can be found on class website. Math Facts for 5 minutes. Can use flashcards, First In Math, Mathletics, suggested websites on class page, or any applications for mobile devices Math homework every night reinforcing lessons for previous week Math workbooks may stay at home. Staple the packet of work due each week and send them in the homework folder every Friday Spelling homework every Monday through Thursday. Please number sentences, and have child write name, #, and date Vocabulary words to be studies throughout the week at home Please return the homework stapled together on Friday.
Technology Component for Math - Mathletics and First in Math Please make sure to keep these in a safe place These sites will be used during center time as well as part of homework
Religion Themes Called to holiness in Baptism –Celebration of Baptismal Dates Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacrament of the Eucharist Devotions and Celebrations of the Church “The Church Is the Body of Christ” Textbook – Christ Our Life, Loyola Press Archdiocese of Los Angeles 2 nd Grade Standards for Religion
God Made You Special Special student of the week has the opportunity to take Barley the Bear (classroom mascot) home for the weekend Student will have Barley from Monday to Monday (7 days) Student will share any special item they would like with the class on Wednesday Students will write letters to your child that can be taken home Weekend with Barley and your child is a time to celebrate and share how God has made him/her special Journal this special event and add it to the classroom booklet
First Reconciliation Parent meeting: Monday, January 14 th Retreat: Saturday, February 2 nd First Reconciliation: Saturday, February 23 rd Dress Code Students should wear “Mass Dress” clothing as opposed to First Communion Attire Boys: Dark navy or black slacks, shirt (with collar), socks, and dark dress shoes. Girls: Dresses (knee length or above the ankle) or dress pants and a dress shirt with sleeves. Socks and dress shoes. Neither dress nor pants should be white.
First Holy Communion Parent meeting: Monday, March 18th Retreat: Friday, April 26 th First Holy Communion: Saturday, April 27 th May Crowning: Friday, May 10 th Dress Code Boys: Dark dress pants – navy or black only (no jeans of any kind), white dress shirts (long or short sleeved), long solid colored tie (black, navy, or white), and dark dress shoes (no tennis shoes). Jackets may be worn if desired, but are not required. Girls: White dress with sleeves (dress should be no longer than ankle length for safety reasons), white socks (no nylons), white dress shoes, white veil. No gloves, purses, rosaries, or missals please.
Language Arts Skills for 2 nd Grade Advanced decoding and word recognition Extend the words students can read (special vowel spellings, plurals) Increase vocabulary Increase comprehension strategies Increase fluency Use literary response and analysis Resources Imagine It! SRA/McGraw Hill California Language Arts Standards for 2 nd Grade
Language Arts Imagine It! SRA/McGraw Hill Phonics Component: Sound spelling cards and dictation/spelling Story Themes: Kindness, Let’s Explore, Look Again, Courage, America’s People Stories will be read each week for comprehension, fluency, and expression Differentiation – 4 flexible groupings
Math Know addition and subtraction math facts #1-10 Recommended: buy flashcards addition/subtraction or use First In Math Identifies information to solve a problem Uses strategies to solve two/three-digit addition and subtraction Regrouping Understands place value and money Finds patterns and numbers to 1,000 Uses measurement Knows geometric shapes Understands simple fractions and probability Introduction to multiplication and division Enrichment worksheets Small groups iPad applications Minute math – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division California Mathematics Scott Foresman
Social Studies Themes Family Ties Earth, our home The Working World We the People Discovering our Past People, Places, and Holidays Resource People Together: Adventures in Time and Place McGraw Hill
Writing Use correct grammar structure for complete sentences Focus on 5 sentence paragraph form Write a friendly letter, personal narrative, how-to paper, descriptive, persuasive paper 3 paragraph essays Resources Imagine It! SRA/McGraw Hill California Writing Standards for 2 nd Grade
Handwriting Refine manuscript handwriting Learns cursive letters in Second Trimester
Art SRA Art Connections
Weekly Tests Spelling/Vocabulary – Friday Imagine It! Comprehension – Friday Math Facts – Thursday Religion – Thursday Math, Social Studies, and Science tests will be given on Monday-Wednesday so as not to inundate students with tests
Classroom Folders Classroom folders will be sent home every Thursday. All signed tests or parent communication should be sent back every Thursday. *All tests must be signed by the parents and returned in the Classroom folder.
Room Mothers and Volunteer Hours Volunteer opportunities for parents in the classroom. Looking for parents who are willing to work with all students and uphold behavior standards in the classroom. Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Guzman, and Mrs. Wong- Reimer Classroom volunteers will begin in October
Thank you for attending!