CMS Trigger Upgrades Phase-I (1) Muon Trigger Upgrades: – CSCTF (CSC TrackFinder) – MPC (Muon Port Card) Calorimeter Trigger Upgrades: – HCAL TPG – Calorimeter.


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Presentation transcript:

CMS Trigger Upgrades Phase-I (1) Muon Trigger Upgrades: – CSCTF (CSC TrackFinder) – MPC (Muon Port Card) Calorimeter Trigger Upgrades: – HCAL TPG – Calorimeter Trigger Algorithms and Electronics – ECAL SLB Outline: – Calorimeter Trigger Studies and Hardware Status and what will be ready for June10, Sep210 – Muon Trigger Studies and Hardware Status and what will be ready for June10, Sep210 C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades

CSC Upgrades for Phase-I The Goal is to Maintain Performance at 2x10 34 : To achieve this we need to increase the bandwidth of the CSC-Trigger and improve on the algorithms. This requires: – A new Muon Port Card (On detector) – A new CSC Track Finder (Off Detector) Conceptual Design Exists A Software Package for Simulation has been put together and is being used for studies Work has started on Hardware Design C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades

CMS Trigger Upgrades Phase-I (2) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Furic+Madorsky:Jan2010 Trigger Meeting

CMS Trigger Upgrades Phase-I (3) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Furic+Madorsky:Jan2010 Trigger Meeting

CMS Trigger Upgrades Phase-I (4) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Furic+Madorsky:Jan2010 Trigger Meeting

CMS Trigger Upgrades Phase-I (5) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Furic+Madorsky:Jan2010 Trigger Meeting

CMS Trigger Upgrades Phase-I (6) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Furic: April 2010 Trigger

CMS Trigger Upgrades Phase-I (7) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Furic: April 2010 Trigger

CMS Trigger Upgrades Phase-I (8) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Furic: April 2010 Trigger

CMS Trigger Upgrades Phase-I (9) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Furic: April 2010 Trigger Summary of Muon Triggers: Simulation Package of the new trigger is ready Studies using it have already Started Firmware Design Has also started What to expect by June 2010: Description of the conceptual design Description of the Software Package. What to expect by September 2010: The first results from these studies

HCAL TPG (1) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Basic TPG Simulation Package has been written It Depends upon a number of detector simulation packaged (SiPM, QIE10, MultiDepth….). However, significant progress has been demonstrated in presentations during the monthly trigger meetings. Effort is needed from the HCAL side to finish the simulation packages and integrate them with TPG and RCT simulations. After this is done studies can commence.

HCAL TPG (2) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Guess of what is to come: – Would be nice to have the CMSSW Simulation package by June – By September 2010 the code could be debugged and integrated with RCT. – By end of the 2010 first Results from Studies If you want to make the case that the new HCAL design will improve the trigger Isolation algorithms then we must put some effort in to this getting done.

Calorimeter Trigger Studies (1) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades The Strategy is: – Increase the Trigger Granularity and go to 0.087x0.087 Trigger Tower Granularity for all triggers, – Apply Clustering Algorithms The Goal is to improve performance of: – Tau Trigger (Efficiency, BKG Rejection) – Electron Trigger (Efficiency, BKG Rejection). – Missing Et Trigger (Sharper Threshold ?). – Jet Trigger (Pseudorapidity and Phi resolution). Wisconsin Group

Calorimeter Trigger Studies (2) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Wisconsin Group

Calorimeter Trigger Studies (3) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Wisconsin Group

Calorimeter Trigger Studies (4) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Wisconsin Group

Calorimeter Trigger Studies (5) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Wisconsin Group

Calorimeter Trigger Studies (6) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Wisconsin Group

Calorimeter Trigger Studies (7) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Wisconsin Group

Calorimeter Trigger Studies (8) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Wisconsin Group Summary: Debugged/Working Simulation Code Exists Electron and Tau Triggers in Good Standing Met Code and Studies needed Jet Code exists but more studies needed. What to Expect by June 2010: What We have now Algorithm Design Simulation Design Electron and Tau Results What to Expect by September 2010: Missing Et and Jet Studies What to Expect by the End of 2010: All these studies repeated with the new HCAL TPG Code

HCAL TPG Demonstrators C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Minnesota Group

HCAL TPG Demonstrators (2) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Minnesota Group

The MiniT Project C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Imperial Group

The MiniT Project C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades Imperial Group

uTCA Developments at Wisconsin (1) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades

uTCA Developments at Wisconsin (2) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades

uTCA Developments at Wisconsin (3) C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades

Summary Demonstrators C. Foudas, Imperial, Trigger Upgrades The Goal is to have a few Crates in 2012 at P5 running in parallel with the Current System We still need to define the roadmap on how to achieve this goal The Demonstrators will of course be described in the TP