Service Agreements Emmanuel Tsesmelis CERN / TS-LEA RRB Scrutiny Group 31 August 2006
External & Proximity Cryogenics (AT/ECR) ATLAS ( EDMS ) Superconducting magnets (Solenoid, BT, ECTs) and LAr calorimeters Responsibilities concern the design, construction, installation, testing, commissioning and operation regarding the test facilities (Hall 180, EHN1) and final installations at Point 1. Installations Hall 180 (He) BT Cryogenic Test Facility ECT Cryogenic Test Facility Point 1 Helium External P1 Proximity Cryogenic System for BT and ECT Proximity Cryogenic System for Central Solenoid LAr External Cryogenics Proximity Cryogenics Process Control (He & LAr)
External & Proximity Cryogenics (AT/ECR) CMS (EDMS ) AT/ECR is responsible for the design, procurement, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the external cryogenic system of the CMS Superconducting Solenoid Magnet for both the surface test facility and for the final configuration in the underground experimental area. M&O External Cryogenics Cryogenic He refrigeration plant Internal Cryogenics Valves, instrumentation and piping located in the phase separator Vacuum System
External & Proximity Cryogenics (AT/ECR) M&O Work Package CERN-wide operation of cryo-plants and infrastructure will be performed by specialised personnel on duty 24/7. Supervision of cryo-plants of ATLAS/CMS will be made from the CCC and Point 1/Point 5 local control rooms. AT/ECR will provide the required technical support and ATLAS/CMS will cover the financial resources associated with the industrial resources. Maintenance (manpower and consumables) will be carried-out via CERN-AT industrial contracts. Experts from AT/ECR will supervise the contract & assist when necessary. All expenses related to M&O will be charged to ATLAS/CMS. All non-CERN manpower, consumables, spare parts, cryogenic fluids.
External & Proximity Cryogenics (AT/ECR) ATLAS M&O CMS M&O
Cooling & Ventilation and Power Distribution System (TS/EL, TS/CV) General Estimates for all experiments for have been made. These forecasts shall be used as basis for fixed price to be used. Fixed price is based on equipment inventory known by the technical service groups concerned. Details in EDMS Power Distribution Fixed price based on existing contracts. Items not having a unit price (corrective maintenance, AUG tests, piquet) will be charged according to an agreed fixed price shared between LHC experiment and experiments and PS/SPS according to percentage use. Cooling & Ventilation Fixed price based on existing contracts. It has been agreed that the LHC experiments will pay 70% of the fixed price corresponding to their share of use.
Gas Systems (PH/DT1) M&O for Experiment Gas Systems Administrative & technical overhead of teams (~1 FTE/year) General gas support in the assembly and test areas (05-1 FTE/year) Calibration of Mass Flow Controller. Cost sharing ALICE/ATLAS/CMS/LHCb in the ratio 23%/30%/25%/22% YearCost (kCHF) M&O estimates submitted by experiments need to be re-adjusted.
Vacuum System (AT/VAC) ALICE (EDMS ) and ATLAS (ATC- GE-MA-0012) Manpower resources from AT/VAC Group and includes the dismounting and re-installation during special access periods when some of the beampipes would need to be dismounted to move detector components. ALICE and ATLAS will cover the cost of material and participate in the manpower costs.
Vacuum System (AT/VAC) Cost (kCHF) Operation-80 Consumables40120 Total40200 ALICE
Vacuum System (AT/VAC) Cost (kCHF) Operation60 Consumables60120 Total ATLAS ATLAS M&O budget need to be slightly re-adjusted
Detector Cooling (TS/CV) M&O of the mechanical, electrical and control components of the detector cooling systems of all LHC experiments (EDMS ). Scope Cooling units/systems for sub-detectors, including evaporative cooling system for ATLAS and TOTEM. Includes maintenance (preventive/corrective), stand-by duty, assistance in the operation of the systems, fluid & spare parts Limited to the equipment installed by TS/CV.
Detector Cooling (TS/CV) Fluids and major spare parts not included M&O estimates submitted by experiments need to be re-adjusted.
Magnet Controls (PH/DT1) Work packages for M&O regarding the magnet control systems (MCS) and associated safety systems (MSS) have been agreed. One team of professional technicians will provide an on-call service, preventive & corrective maintenance, modifications and improvements during the operation and testing of the magnets of all LHC experiments. Result-oriented service contract of typically 6 persons for the 4 experiments. M&O costs to be shared between PH Department (base budget) and by each of the 4 experiments (operations budget). Maintenance of cryogenic systems included in AT/ECR cost estimates.
Magnet Controls (PH/DT1) M&O estimates submitted by ALICE/ATLAS/CMS need to be re-adjusted.
Power Converters (AB/PO) M&O for spectrometer magnet power converters. Scope Yearly check-up, minor repairs, calibration and start-up verification. Does not include: Initial spare parts stock, initial shake-down, significant break-downs.
Power Converters (AB/PO) ExperimentTotal [CHF] (Material + Manpower) ATLAS (2 converters) ALICE (2 converters) LHCb9000 CMS9000 Based on informal discussions between AB/PO and the experiments. Need to formalise agreement. ATLAS/CMS M&O budgets need to be slightly re-adjusted
Conclusions Projected M&O costs for technical services have been taken into account by the experiments and, in general, have been correctly budgeted. Some minor re-adjustments, nevertheless, need to be made to align the experiment budgets to the projections in the Service Agreements. A number of technical services are invoiced on a per-use basis. e.g. transport & handling, survey, gas consumption