Flower Power: Plant Growth and Environmental Influences GPS Standards Addressed: SB4. Students will assess the dependence of all organisms on one another and the flow of energy and matter within their ecosystems. d. Assess and explain human activities that influence and modify the environment such as global warming, population growth, pesticide use, and water and power consumption. e. Relate plant adaptations, including tropisms, to the ability to survive stressful environmental conditions. SCSh3. Students will identify and investigate problems scientifically. a. Suggest reasonable hypotheses for identified problems. c. Collect, organize, and record appropriate data. d. Graphically compare and analyze data points and/or summary statistics. Unit designed by: Audrey Mallard, Wayne County School System and GDOE/Division of Exceptional Students, 2006
Stepwise Instructional Task Worksheet: HS Science - Flower Power: Plant Growth and Environmental Influences
Recording, Comparing, & Analyzing Data from Environmental Influences on Plant Growth
Environmental Influences on Plant Growth: No Water, No Light
Recording, Comparing, & Analyzing Data on Daffodil Bulb Growth
Daffodil Plant Book - Cover
Daffodil Plant Book – The Bulb (page 1) (Brown cardboard/foam sheeting bulb wrapped in brown pantyhose stocking)
Daffodil Plant Book – Roots Appear (page 2) (Roots made from brown pantyhose stockings)
Daffodil Plant Book – Stem Shoot Appears, Roots Grow (page 3) (Stem shoot made from silk flower leaf)
Daffodil Plant Book – Leaves Appear (page 4) (Leaves made from silk flower leaves)
Daffodil Plant Book – Daffodil Flower Opens (page 5) (Flower made from silk flower)
Daffodil Poem – “Spring” by Robert McCracken (page 6)