Zoom-In Inquiry Examine primary sources and their clues. Decide what you see and what questions will help you find “the big picture.” Diana McIntyre Librarian Gunston Elementary Fairfax County Public Schools
What do you see? Where have you seen something like this?
When do you think this image was taken? What clues are there for a time-frame?
What new things in this picture may change your idea of the time-period?
How are the people dressed? Why do you think the picture was taken?
What do you think the new piece of the picture is?
What happened before this picture was taken?
Victorian houses damaged by the 1906 earthquake are partially collapsed and leaning to the side toward neighboring houses along a residential street in San Francisco, pedestrians are walking by the houses
What might happen next? How can nature impact the lives of humans? What questions do you have about this picture?
Why would the mayor issue a proclamation like this? What could the people do from “darkness until daylight every night” without electricity, gas, or the ability to leave their houses?
Derby Day, racehorses racing on track, passing officials' stand, scoreboard, cheering spectators lining inside fence from Library of Congress American Memories, Photographs from the Chicago Daily News, collection, from the Chicago Daily News, Victorian houses damaged by the 1906 earthquake are partially collapsed and leaning to the side toward neighboring houses along a residential street in San Francisco, pedestrians are walking by the houses from Library of Congress American Memories, Photographs from the Chicago Daily News, collection, Photographs from the Chicago Daily News, Library of Congress resources Proclamation by the mayor Dated April 18, 1906 [regarding earthquake] from Library of Congress American Memories, An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera collection, American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemerahttp://memory.loc.gov/cgi-