Creating a Time Capsule Content Objective: Students will describe how ideas, event and people change over time. Language Objective: We will create a time capsule and write about our ideas, goals and our vision of the future.
Time Capsule Plan First thing we have to do is come up with a plan for our time capsule. The theme of this time capsule is, “My Vision of the Future, 2020” Use the following outline to create your plan: Items to include that would tell key ideas about who I am right now:____________________ A list of goals for my future:_________________ Global Breakthroughs in 2011-________________ Vision of 2020:____________________________
Items I am including in my time capsule: 1.Yarn that measures my current height. 2.Pictures of my family 3.Pictures of my dog 4.A letter to myself 5.My goals for the future. 6.A special memory
Items to Include in your Time Capsule What items define who you are right now. What are you interested in? What are your hobbies? Favorite band, singer, TV show, subject in school? What do you want to be when you grow up?
My Goals for the Future: 1.I want to go to ________________college/university 2.I want to study_________________ 3.I want to be a _____________________ 4.I want 5.I want
Goals for the Future List 5 goals for your future- make your goals meaningful, clear, attainable. 1.______________________________________ 2.______________________________________ 3.______________________________________ 4.______________________________________ 5.______________________________________
Big Ideas in 2011 Technology: IPOD, IPAD, IPhone Communication tools: Smart phones, text messaging, Latest video game system: Popular Toy: Latest clothing style: Global Issues- Current Events: Tsumani in Japan, Earthquake in Japan., Current President: Barrack Obama Sports- Current Champions:
My Vision of the Future, 2020 Write a paragraph describing what you envision the year 2020 to be like? What do you hope to have already accomplished? What do you see yourself heading off into the world to do? What college do you hope to be attending? Paragraph 2-What do you hope the world will be like? What type of technology will there be? What will school be like? What are you going to do to help leave your mark on the world and make a difference in your community?
Building the Time Capsule Now that you have your plan, your ideas, your items and you have written your vision and your goals, it is time to create your time capsule. You are going to bring in a shoe box and decorate it with images of you in third grade! Bring in at least 1 current picture of you and friends, or with family members. You are now going to fill your shoe box time capsule with your ideas from 2011 and your vision of the future. We will also measure your height with a piece of yarn to capture your current height. You will place this time capsule in a safe place in your home and you will open it up in 2020 as you are graduating from high school and heading off into the world!
What do I do with this time capsule now? Now that you have captured the ideas of 2011, we will seal it up! You will place this time capsule in a safe place in your home and you will open it up in 2020 as you are graduating from high school and heading off into the world!