Not taking responsibility is a major problem Society’s fault Mother or father to blame Poverty is the reason Teacher responsible Company’s accountable
As believers, we must take responsibility Only way to address problem Only way to grow Only way to truly repent
Adam & Eve, Gen. 3:1-14 Adam blamed Eve & God Eve blamed the serpent Satan influenced Eve and she Adam
Aaron, Ex. 32:1-24 Instructed people to bring jewelry Fashioned the calf Proclaimed the feast
King Saul Samuel tardy, 1 Sam. 13 People spared animals, 1 Sam. 15 David destroyed dynasty, 1 Sam. 20
Could the kings of Israel Shirk responsibility for their sins? Jeroboam blame Rehoboam, 1 Kgs. 12 Nadab blame Jeroboam, 1 Kgs. 15 Ahab blame Omri, 1 Kgs. 16 Ahab blame Jezebel or Elijah
David, 2 Sam. 12:7, 13 Loneliness as a shepherd boy? Saul’s mistreatment? Stress of job?
Simon the sorcerer, Acts 8:13-24 Bad relationship with mother “Just the way I am; old habit” Did not get angry with Peter
Peter, Gal. 2:11-14 Fault of other Jews? Old Testament teaching? “It’s the way I was raised”
Make our own choices Free will creatures, Josh. 24:15 Not accountable for others, Eze. 18 Individually decide, Mt. 7:24-27
Individually judged One by one, Mt. 25:14-30 For deeds done in body, 2 Cor. 5:10
Take responsibility Do not blame mother or father Do not put off on friends, brethren, society Accept the sin as yours… …and repent!
Not taking responsibility is a major problem Society’s fault Mother or father to blame Poverty is the reason Teacher responsible Company’s accountable
As believers, we must take responsibility Only way to address problem Only way to grow Only way to truly repent