Gas Giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
The Asteroid Belt lies between Mars and Jupiter, separating the inner and outer planets
Gas Giants Also called outer planets or Jovian All have moons All have rings All are composed of hydrogen and helium Have a small, rocky core
Jupiter Largest planet Named for the king of the gods Has violet storms (most famous- the Great Red Spot) Has a small rocky core, thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium, high pressure Has a thin, faint ring
Jupiter Continued- Makes more heat than it receives form the Sun Has at east 61 moons, the most in the solar system Four largest moons are Galilean moons Explored by Voyager and Galileo
Ganymede Largest moon in solar system
Callisto Heavily cratered
Europa Ice covered
Io Most geologically active in the solar system
Saturn Famous for its rings (thin- about 1 mile thick, but 42,000 miles wide). Rings are made mostly of rock and ice. Lowest density of all planets ( It would float in a bath tub.) Has a small rocky core and an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium Has at least 31 moons. The largest is Titan. Explored by Cassini and Huygens
Titan Second largest moon in solar system
Uranus First planet not known to ancient Greeks Discovered in 1781 Rotates on its side (90 degrees- appears to ‘roll’) Thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium Bluish-green color due to methane
Uranus Continued- Has dark rings, no cloud bands, and a small, rocky core Has a mantle of liquid water Has at least 21 moons Explored by Voyager
Neptune Named for the god of the sea Atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. Atmosphere changes rapidly. Has dark storms, rings, a rocky core, and a layer of liquid water Has at least 11 moons. Triton is the largest. Explored by Voyager
Triton – Neptune’s largest moon Nitrogen atmosphere